Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 102

Text: Luke 9: 14-17


1. There were many lessons to learn

a. For the Multitude.
b. For the Disciples.

2. Organization of the Multitude

a. The Lord Jesus was quite an organizer.
b. The logical thing was to make the people sit down in groups of 50 (Luke 9:14).
i. Manageable
ii. Efficiency was important for mass feeding.
c. The Disciples obeyed (Luke 9:15).

3. Taking the 5 loaves and 2 fish (Luke 9:16).

a. Looking up to heaven
i. To thank God.
ii. To ask for His power.
b. Blessing the bread and fish
i. He gave them to the Disciples to distribute to the 5000.
ii. All ate the bread and fish (Luke 9:17a).

4. Leftovers

a. There was even some leftover.
b. In fact, there were 12 baskets of leftover bread and fish (Luke 9:17b).
c. Nothing was to be wasted.

This was a really huge miracle! There was no doubt about the power of the Lord!

经文:路加福音 9:14-17


1. 有许多可以学习的教训

a. 给众人
b. 给门徒

2. 组织众人

a. 主耶稣是一个很好的组织者
b. 合乎逻辑的是让人们坐下并每组大约五十个人《路加福音 9:14》
i. 可容易管理
ii. 效率对于大规模的喂饱是很重要的
c. 门徒服从了《路加福音 9:15》

3. 拿着五个饼和两条鱼《路加福音 9:16》

a. 望着天
i. 感谢上帝
ii. 祈求祂的大能
b. 祝福饼和鱼
i. 祂把饼和鱼交给门徒分发给五千人
ii. 所有人都吃了饼和鱼《路加福音 9:17a》

4. 剩下的零碎

a. 甚至还有一些剩下零碎的
b. 事实上,有 十二篮剩下的饼和鱼《路加福音 9:17b》
c. 没有可浪费的