Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 72

Text: Luke 6: 43-45


1. The Lord Jesus taught with great skill.

a. He used an illustration of a tree to teach about fruit-bearing in life.
b. Two types of trees are noted:
i. A good tree
It does not bear bad fruit.
ii. A bad tree
It does not bear good fruit (Luke 6:43).

2. A simple but effective observation.

a. Every tree is known by its fruit.
i. Whether it is a good tree.
ii. Or whether it is a bad tree.
b. Thorny bushes:
i. One does not gather figs from the thorns.
ii. One does not gather grapes from a bramble bush (Luke 6:44).

3. The human heart is to be carefully noted.

4. The heart of a good man.

a. He has good treasure in his heart.
b. He brings forth good fruit (Luke 6:45a).

5. The heart of an evil man.

a. He has evil treasure in his heart.
b. He brings forth evil fruit (Luke 6:45b).

6. The words that come forth from a person.

a. They come from the heart.
b. They come out of the abundance of the heart.
i. They could be good words.
ii. They could be evil words.

经文:路加福音 6:43-45


1. 主耶稣的教导技巧高超

a. 祂用树的例子来教导生命中所结的果子
b. 有两种树被提及:
i. 好树
ii. 坏树
不结好果子《路加福音 6:43》

2. 一个简单而有效的观察

a. 凡树木看果子,就可以认出它来
i. 它是否是棵好树
ii. 或是棵坏树
b. 荆棘 (多刺的灌木)
i. 人不是从荆棘上摘无花果的
ii. 也不是从蒺藜里摘葡萄的《路加福音 6:44》

3. 人心必须小心注意

4. 善人的心

a. 他心中存善
b. 就发出善来《路加福音 6:45a》

5. 恶人的心

a. 他心中存恶
b. 就发出恶来《路加福音 6:45b》

6. 一个人的言语

a. 发自那个人的内心
b. 心里所充满的,口里就说出来
i. 有善良的话
ii. 也有邪恶的话