Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 69

Text: Luke 6: 38


1. The Practice of Lending

a. The normal practice
i. To lend.
ii. The borrower was to return the loan extended.
b. The special practice
i. To lend.
ii. But to accept that the loan may not be returned (Luke 6:34).

2. Beyond the special practice of lending

a. To lend without looking for the return of a loan was special.
b. The Lord Jesus went further to teach about “giving”.

3. An illustration chosen

a. The illustration is that of a merchant measuring out grain.
b. The normal way of filling up a sack of grain.
The merchant just pours the dry grain till the sack is full.
c. The special way chosen. He does more than just filling up the sack!

4. The special way described

Four things were noted:

a. A “good measure”
i. Total honesty.
ii. No cheating of the customer.
b. “Pressed down”
i. The merchant presses the grain down into the sack.
ii. This way, he is actually giving more to the customer.
c. “Shaken together”
i. The merchant shakes the sack to settle the grain more.
ii. This is an additional effort.
iii. More grain can be added.
d. “And running over”
i. The merchant has done his utmost to give even more than expected.
ii. He pours even more grain till the grain spills over the sack.

5. “Give, and it will be given to you” Luke 6:38

a. This was what the Lord Jesus taught.
b. People who have such a heart to give to those in need:
i. Graciously
ii. Generously
c. God would bless them as abundantly.

6. Principle taught

a. With the same measure that you use.
b. It will be measured back to you (Luke 6:38).

经文:路加福音 6:38


1. 借给别人的做法

a. 常规做法
i. 借给人

ii. 借款者应归还款项

b. 特别的做法
i. 借给人
ii. 并且接受那借的人也许不会偿还《约翰福音 6:34》

2. 超越借东西的特别做法

a. 借给人不指望偿还是非常特殊的表现
b. 主耶稣进一步地教导关于“给予”

3. 选择的例子

a. 这是一个商人量粮的例子
b. 装满一袋谷物的正常方法
c. 所选择的特别方式。他不单只把袋子装满!

4. 形容这特别的方式


a. “用十足的升斗”
i. 完全诚实
ii. 没有欺骗客户
b. “带按”
i. 商人将谷物压入袋中
ii. 这样,他实际上给了客户更多
c. “连摇”
i. 商人摇晃袋子使谷物更加沉淀
ii. 这需要额外付出的精力
iii. 可以添加更多谷物
d. “上尖下流地倒”
i. 商家已竭尽全力给予超出所预料的
ii. 他倒更多的谷物,直到谷物溢出袋子

5. “你们要给人,就必有给你们的” 《路加福音 6:38》

a. 这是主耶稣所教导的
b. 有心给予那些有需要的人:
i. 满有仁慈的
ii. 大方的
c. 上帝也必丰盛地赐福他们

6. 所教导的原则

a. 你们用什么量器量给人
b. 也必用什么量器量给你们《路加福音 6:38》