Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 60

Text: Luke 6: 17-19


1. The Appointing of the Apostles

a. The appointing was done on a higher ground.
i. Away from the multitude.
ii. Only Disciples were there.
b. The Lord and His newly appointed Apostles went down to a level place where a huge crowd had gathered (Luke 6:17a).
i. This was where the Disciples noted the Lord ministry.
ii. He was not fazed by the size of the multitude.
iii. Nor was there doubt that God’s power was more than adequate for ministry.

2. The Apostles caught a glimpse of the vast work of their Master

a. A great multitude was there (Luke 6:17b).
b. The people came from:
i. All Judea
ii. Jerusalem
iii. Tyre and Sidon were cities near the seacoast (Luke 6:17b).
c. Why the people came:
i. To hear the Lord Jesus.
ii. To have Him heal the sick (Luke 6:17c).
iii. To have Him cast out demons (Luke 6:18a).
d. Were all healed? Yes! They were all healed by the Lord (Luke 6:18b).
e. All sought to touch Him (Luke 6:19a).
f. There was great power from the Lord.
g. Luke noted again that all were healed (Luke 6:19b).

经文:路加福音 6:17-19



a. 在高地委任使徒
i. 远离众人
ii. 只有使徒在那里
b. 主耶稣和新委任的使徒来到了许多百姓聚集的一块平地上《路加福音 6:17a》
i. 这是门徒注意到主事工的地方
ii. 耶稣对大批的群众不以为意
iii. 也不怀疑上帝的能力是否足够

2. 使徒们瞥见了他们大师的事工

a. 有许多百姓《路加福音 6:17b》
b. 他们来自:
i. 犹太全地
ii. 耶路撒冷
iii. 靠近海岸的推罗和西顿 《路加福音 6:17b》
c. 他们为何来?
i. 他们要听主耶稣讲道
ii. 也指望主耶稣医治他们的病《路加福音 6:17c》
iii. 还要主耶稣医治被污鬼缠磨的人《路加福音 6:18a》
d. 都痊愈了吗?是的!他们全都被主医治了《路加福音 6:18b》
e. 众人都想要摸祂《路加福音 6:19a》
f. 有大能力从耶稣身上发出来
g. 路加再次指出所有人都被医好了《路加福音 6:19b》