Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 49

Text: Luke 5: 8-11


1. Simon saw the great catch of fish

a. He realised that this was nothing short of a miracle.
b. Nothing else could explain the size of this catch of fish.
c. All the fishermen were astonished at what they had just seen (Luke 5:9).
d. James and John were there (Luke 5:10a).
e. Simon was there (Luke 5:10b).
f. Andrew was probably there though not mentioned.
g. They were in fact, partners.

2. He cried out

a. “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!” (Luke 5:8)
b. What did he mean when he spoke those words?

3. Meaning of each phrase

a. “Depart from me”
i. Peter recognized his unworthiness.
ii. He felt the awesomeness of the Presence of the Lord Jesus.
b. “For I am a sinful man, O Lord!”
i. Peter was aware that he did not really believe what the Lord had said about letting his net down to catch fish.
ii. He may have felt he knew more about fishing than the Lord Jesus.
iii. He realized that he had not really dealt with his sinfulness until now.

4. The kind response of the Lord Jesus

a. The graciousness of the Lord.
“Do not be afraid” Luke 5:10c
i. He did not come to condemn.
ii. He understood his feelings.
iii. There was nothing to fear.
b. A special Invitation
“From now on you will catch men.” Luke 5:10d
i. He was inviting them to be His disciples.
ii. He will teach and empower them.
iii. They can be as successful catching men as fish.

5. Immediate response

a. The fishermen decided they would give up their career.
b. They would forsake everything and follow the Lord Jesus as His disciples.

经文:路加福音 5:8-11


1. 西门见到那大丰收

a. 他认识到这是一件神迹
b. 没有其他原因可以解释这么大的一个丰收
c. 所有的渔夫对所看见的都感到非常惊讶
d. 雅各、约翰都在场《路加福音 5:10a》
e. 西门也在场《路加福音 5:10b》
f. 安得烈也应该在场,虽然经文没有记载
g. 他们是伙伴


a. “主啊!离开我,我是个罪人!”《路加福音 5:8》
b. 他说这些话的意思是什么呢?

3. 每段话的意思

a. “离开我”
i. 彼得意识到自己不值
ii. 他感受到主耶稣同在的威严
b. “我是个罪人!”
i. 彼得知道当初主耶稣叫他下网打鱼时他有些不信
ii. 他或许认为对打鱼而言,他知道的比主耶稣多
iii. 他认识到自己在那一刻之前,并没有处理自己心中的罪孽

4. 主耶稣的慈爱的回应

a. 主耶稣的恩典
“不要怕”《路加福音 5:10c》
i. 祂不是来定他们的罪
ii. 祂了解他的感受
iii. 他没什么好怕的
b. 一个特别的邀请
“从今以后你要得人了” 《路加福音 5:10d》
i. 祂在邀请他们做祂的门徒
ii. 祂教导他们并且给予他们力量
iii. 他们得人可以和打鱼一样成功

5. 立刻的反应

a. 渔夫们决定放下他们的事业
b. 他们会放弃一切,当主耶稣的门徒跟随祂