Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 272

Text: Luke 22: 35-38


1. The Lord Jesus would remind His Disciples of past lessons, from time to time.

2. Some reasons He did this:

a. As a reminder when the Disciples forgot.
b. As a reinforcement, when their faith was not strong and steady.
c. As refinement of their understanding of the truths they had learned.


1. In the light of the changing circumstances the Lord said these things to His Disciples.

“And He said to them, ‘When I sent you without money bag, knapsack, and sandals, did you lack anything?’ So they said, ‘Nothing.’ Then He said to them, ‘But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one. For I say to you that this which is written must still be accomplished in Me: ‘And He was numbered with the transgressors.’ For the things concerning Me have an end.’So they said, ‘Lord, look, here are two swords.’ And He said to them, ‘It is enough.’”

Luke 22:35-38

2. Changes

a. In the past, the Disciples did not need to provide for themselves.
b. The Lord would supply all their needs.
c. In the current situation, they must make the following changes:
i. They cannot depend on people to provide for them. They must provide for themselves.
ii. They cannot expect peace but violence. They would have to protect themselves (with a sword if needs be).

3. The Suffering of the Lord Jesus

a. He would be numbered with the transgressors.
b. His Disciples would also be associated with transgressors and thus people would be hostile towards them.
c. But, thankfully, these intense circumstances will not last forever. They would come to an end, in due time!

4. The Response of the Disciples

a. They declared that they had two swords.
b. They had misunderstood what the Lord Jesus meant.
i. He was not telling them to use their swords to fight the enemies.
ii. What would the possession of two swords mean?
c. The Lord’s meaning:
i. To be mentally prepared for hostility.
ii. To be strong and resilient.
iii. To be resourceful.
But they had failed to fully comprehend what He had meant.
d. Thus, He said “It is enough!”
i. They would have to find out how to cope, the hard way.
ii. They would have to find wisdom and strength when hostilities come.
The Lord’s grace and mercy would be given to them to help them cope!

经文:路加福音 22:35-38


1. 主耶稣会不时提醒祂的门徒过去的教诲

2. 祂这么做的原因:

a. 当门徒忘记时,祂的提醒能使他们再次想起

b. 当他们的信心不坚定时,祂的提醒能巩固信心

c. 祂的提醒也能使他们学过的真理变得更精炼


1. 鉴于情况的转变,主耶稣告诉门徒:

“耶稣又对他们说:‘我差你们出去的时候,没有钱囊、没有口袋、没有鞋,你们缺少什么没有?’他们说:‘没有。’耶稣说:‘但如今有钱囊的可以带着,有口袋的也可以带着,没有刀的要卖衣服买刀。 我告诉你们,经上写着说‘他被列在罪犯之中’,这话必应验在我身上,因为那关系我的事必然成就。’他们说:‘主啊,请看,这里有两把刀!’耶稣说:‘够了。’”

《路加福音 22:35-38》

2. 改变

a. 以前,门徒们并不必为自己的需要做准备

b. 主会提供他们所需的

c. 在现有的情况下,他们必须做出改变:

i. 他们不能再靠别人的供应;必须自食其力

ii. 他们不能只期待和平,而不为暴力做准备。他们可能需要用剑自卫

3. 主耶稣的受难

a. 祂将被列在罪犯之中

b. 祂的门徒们将受牵连;别人会对他们怀有敌意

c. 所幸的是,这些危急的情况不会永远持续下去。在适当的时候,它们将结束!

4. 门徒们的反应

a. 他们公然地说他们有两把剑

b. 他们误解了主耶稣的意思

i. 祂并不是告诉他们用剑来抗敌

ii. 有着两把剑意味着什么呢?

c. 主耶稣的意思是:

i. 门徒必做好心理准备忍受顶撞

ii. 他们必须要坚强,有毅力

iii. 要足智多谋


d. 因此祂说:“够了!”

i. 他们必须学习如何应付挑战

ii. 他们必须找到智慧与力量面对他人的敌意
