Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 268

Text: Luke 22: 21-23


“‘But behold, the hand of My betrayer is with Me on the table. And truly the Son of Man goes as it has been determined, but woe to that man by whom He is betrayed!’ Then they began to question among themselves, which of them it was who would do this thing.”

Luke 22:21-23

1. To betray the Lord Jesus Christ

a. That would be a grave sin.
b. Yet, it would happen.
c. To betray is to become a traitor to the Lord Jesus Christ!

2. The betrayer

a. He was in their midst.
b. He would be among The Twelve.
c. This was an astonishing thought!

3. The Son of Man

a. He would be handed over to the authorities.
b. But woe to the person who would betray the Lord Jesus!
i. This was a solemn pronouncement.
ii. This was a serious word of warning.
iii. Judas should have taken note of this word of warning.

4. Discussion among themselves

a. The Disciples began to discuss what the Lord Jesus had said.
b. They could not figure out whom would betray Him.
c. None of the true Disciples would ever betray the Lord Jesus.
d. Judas would certainly never admit that he would be the betrayer!

经文:路加福音 22:21-23



《路加福音 22:21-23》

1. 出卖主耶稣基督

a. 那将是一个极为严重的罪

b. 但是,这仍然会发生

c. 出卖就是成为背叛主耶稣基督的人!

2. 那卖主耶稣之人

a. 他在他们当中

b. 他是十二门徒中的一位

c. 这是一个惊人的想法!

3. 人子

a. 他将被交给公会

b. 但卖主耶稣的人有祸了!

i. 这是一个庄严的宣告

ii. 这是一个严重的警告

iii. 犹大应该注意这个警告

4. 他们之间的讨论

a. 使徒开始讨论主耶稣所说的话

b. 他们猜不出是谁会出卖主耶稣

c. 真正的门徒绝对不会背叛主耶稣

d. 犹大绝对不会承认自己就是背叛者!