Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 255

Text: Luke 21: 14-15


1. Many, if not all of the Disciples, would be worried.

2. How would they be able to speak to Rulers and Kings?

3. Many of them were not:

a. Scholars
b. Talented orators

4. Many were:

a. People of humble origins.
b. People with very ordinary skills.


“Therefore settle it in your hearts not to meditate beforehand on what you will answer; for I will give you a mouth and wisdom which all your adversaries will not be able to contradict or resist.”

Luke 21:14-15

1. The Disciples need not worry at all.

a. They need not meditate beforehand what to answer.
b. They would not be able to anticipate the questions that would be raised.

2. Special help would be given:

a. The Lord would give them a mouth.
i. They would know what to say.
ii. They would know how to speak well.
b. The Lord would give them the wisdom they need.
i. This was demonstrated by the Apostles Peter and John (Acts 4).
ii. This was proven by Stephen the first martyr (Acts 7).
c. The adversaries
i. They will not have the upper hand.
ii. They will not be able to resist the Disciples of the Lord Jesus.
iii. They will not be able to contradict what they will testify of.

经文:路加福音 21:14-15


1. 许多门徒都会担心

2. 他们如何对君王诸侯说话?

3. 他们大多都不是:

a. 学者

b. 有才华的演说家

4. 他们是:

a. 出生卑微的人

b. 只有很平凡的技术的人



《路加福音 21:14-15》

1. 门徒并不需要担心

a. 他们不需要预先思想怎样分析

b. 他们无法预料会被提问的问题

2. 特别的帮助会被提供:

a. 主会赐他们口才

i. 他们会知道要说些什么

ii. 他们会知道如何好好地说话

b. 主会赐给他们智慧

i. 这可以在使徒彼得和约翰身上看到《使徒行传 4》

ii. 第一位烈士,司提反证明了这一点《使徒行传 7》

c. 敌人

i. 他们不会占上风

ii. 他们敌不住主耶稣的门徒

iii. 他们驳不倒他们所见证的