Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 23

Text: Luke 2: 33-35


1. Joseph and Mary listened to the words uttered by Simeon (Luke 2:29-32)

a. These were prophetic words.
b. They were profound sayings.

2. They “marvelled”

a. They were astonished.
b. They were awed.
c. These words were beyond their ability to fully comprehend.


1. Simeon blessed both Joseph and Mary

a. For their part as parents of the Baby Jesus.
b. They would have to fulfil their roles faithfully.

2. Simeon had a further word for Mary concerning Baby Jesus

a. The Destiny of Baby Jesus
i. He was destined for the fall of many (Luke 2:34a).
ii. He was also destined for the rising of many in Israel (Luke 2:34b).
iii. He would also be a sign which would be spoken against (Luke 2:34c).
b. The fall of many (Luke 2:34a)
i. The hypocritical leaders of Israel (scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees etc).
ii. These opposed the Lord strenuously.
c. The rising of many (Luke 2:34b.
i. Humble people became mighty apostles.
ii. Many came to believe in the Lord and followed Him bravely.
d. A sign which would be spoken against by opponents (Luke 2:34c)
i. A sign from God that He was the Messiah.
ii. Those who rejected Him would oppose vehemently.

3. Simeon also had a personal word for Mary

a. A sword will pierce her soul (Luke 2:35a).
i. Not a literal sword.
ii. A figurative sword.
She would have deep pain and sorrow when she sees the Lord Jesus on the Cross of Calvary.
b. The thoughts of many will be revealed (Luke 2:35b).
i. There would be those whose wickedness would be exposed.
ii. There would be those who deserted the Lord at the hour of His death.
iii. These would be felt as if a sword had been thrust at her.

经文:路加福音 2:33-35


1. 约瑟和马利亚听了西门所说的话《路加福音 2:29-32》

a. 这些是预言的话
b. 这些是很深奥的话

2. 他们“稀奇”

a. 他们惊讶
b. 他们敬畏
c. 这些话超出了他们完全理解的能力


1. 西面祝福约瑟和马利亚

a. 作为婴儿耶稣的父母
b. 他们必须忠实地履行他们的职责

2. 西面另外告诉马利亚有关于婴儿耶稣的话

a. 婴儿耶稣的命运
i. 祂被立为许多人跌倒《路加福音 2:34a》
ii. 祂也被立为许多以色列人兴起《路加福音 2:34b》
iii. 祂会作毁谤的话柄《路加福音 2:34c》
b. 许多人跌倒《路加福音 2:34a》
i. 以色列虚伪的领袖(文士,法利赛人,撒都该人等)
ii. 他们使劲地违反上帝
c. 许多以色列人兴起《路加福音 2:34b》
i. 身份低微的人成了使徒
ii. 许多人信了上帝并勇敢地跟随祂
d. 祂会作毁谤的话柄《路加福音 2:34c》
i. 来之上帝的迹象告知祂是弥赛亚
ii. 拒绝祂的人会强力反对

3. 西面也有一句私人的话告诉马利亚

a. 她的心会被刀刺透 《路加福音 2:35b》
i. 不是真正的刀
ii. 是象征性的刀
b. 许多人心里的意念会显露出来 《路加福音 2:35a》
i. 那些邪恶的会被拆穿
ii. 那些在主耶稣处死的时候将舍弃祂
iii. 这些对她来说将有如刀刺透她一样