Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 224

Text: Luke 18: 1-5


1. Faith is a precious gift of God.

a. It must be understood.
b. It must be appreciated.

2. Faith must be developed.

a. God will help us cultivate our faith.
b. But we must not fail to do our part.


1. The Lord Jesus was a Master-Teacher.

2. He was highly skilled in teaching by parables!

3. This illustration is commonly called The Parable of the Unjust Judge.

“Then He spoke a parable to them, that men always ought to pray and not lose heart, saying: ‘There was in a certain city a judge who did not fear God nor regard man. Now there was a widow in that city; and she came to him, saying, ‘Get justice for me from my adversary.’ And he would not for a while; but afterward he said within himself, ‘Though I do not fear God nor regard man, yet because this widow troubles me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. Then the Lord said, ‘Hear what the unjust judge said. And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?’’”

Luke 18:1-8

4. The point of this Parable

“Men ought always ought to pray and not lose heart”

Luke 18:1

5. The features of the Parable

a. There was a Judge.
i. He did not fear God.
ii. He also did not regard man.
He was known to be an unjust judge! He did what he believed to be right.
b. There was a widow.
i. She had an adversary.
ii. She kept coming to the Judge who did not want to be bothered by her.
c. The Judge
i. He finally attended to her request.
ii. He was getting weary of her incessant requests.

6. The Lessons that the Lord Jesus sought to teach.

a. God was nothing like the Unjust Judge.
b. God will hear the prayers of His elect children.
c. He may not seem to respond but He will hear their prayers and answer them.

7. The question that the Lord Jesus raised.

a. Would the Lord find faith when He returns?
b. Faith must lead us to seek God in prayer:
i. Earnestly
ii. Diligently
iii. Faithfully

经文:路加福音 18:1-5


1. 信心是上帝宝贵的礼物

a. 必须理解

b. 必须珍惜

2. 必须培养信心

a. 上帝会帮助我们培养我们的信心

b. 但我们不能不尽自己的本分


1. 主耶稣是名师

2. 祂善于用比喻来教导!

3. 这个例证通常被称为不公正法官的比喻

“耶稣设一个比喻,是要人常常祷告,不可灰心。 说:“某城里有一个官,不惧怕神,也不尊重世人。 那城里有个寡妇,常到他那里,说:‘我有一个对头,求你给我申冤’ 他多日不准,后来心里说:‘我虽不惧怕神,也不尊重世人,只因这寡妇烦扰我,我就给她申冤吧,免得她常来缠磨我。’” 主说:“你们听这不义之官所说的话。神的选民昼夜呼吁他,他纵然为他们忍了多时,岂不终久给他们申冤吗?我告诉你们:要快快地给他们申冤了。然而,人子来的时候,遇得见世上有信德吗?””

《路加福音 18:1-8》

4. 这个比喻的重点


《路加福音 18:1》

5. 比喻的特点

a. 有一位法官

i. 他不敬畏上帝

ii. 他也不看起人


b. 有一个寡妇

i. 她有一个对手

ii. 她不断地来到不想被打扰的法官面前

c. 法官

i. 他终于答应了她的要求

ii. 他厌倦了她不断的要求

6. 主耶稣试图教导的教训

a. 上帝与不公正的法官完全不同

b. 上帝会垂听祂选民的祈祷

c. 祂似乎没有反应,但祂会听到他们的祈祷并回应他们

7. 主耶稣提出的问题

a. 上帝再来时会找到信心吗?

b. 信心必须引导我们在祷告中寻求上帝:

i. 认真

ii. 勤奋

iii. 忠实地