Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 219

Text: Luke 17: 22-23


1. The Kingdom of God

a. It is not an easy teaching to comprehend.
b. It is quite complex.

2. There are many aspects that make up the kingdom of God.

a. The Pharisees could only raise up the physical part which they confuse with the political aspect.
b. There was a personal and spiritual aspect.
i. It requires faith to know who the Lord Jesus is.
ii. He is the King anointed and appointed by God.
iii. One must come to have personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ first and foremost!


“Then He said to the disciples, ‘The days will come when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. And they will say to you, ‘Look here!’ or ‘Look there!’ Do not go after them or follow them.

Luke 17:22-23

1. “The days of the Son of Man”

a. This refers to the time when the Lord Jesus was on earth as the Son of Man.
b. His life was taken for granted.
c. Those days would not last forever.
d. One day, people would like to see the Lord, but He has gone back to heaven. They would not be able to see Him as they did currently.
e. The days of the Son of Man are to be treasured.

2. False leads

a. There would be false teachers.
b. They would lead people astray if they could.
c. They would exclaim:
i. “Look here!”
ii. “Look there!” (Luke 17:23a)

3. Important word of advice.

a. Do not go after them.
b. Do not follow them (Luke 17:23b).
c. The danger of false teachings is very real

经文:路加福音 17:22-23


1. 上帝的国

a. 这个教义不容易理解

b. 相当复杂

2. 上帝的国有很多方面

a. 法利赛人所问的是关于属世界的国,他们将其与政治王国混淆

b. 上帝的国有个人和属灵的方面

i. 需要信心来认识主耶稣

ii. 祂是上帝所膏立的君王

iii. 一个人首先最重要的是要在主耶稣里有个人的信心!


“他又对门徒说:‘日子将到,你们巴不得看见人子的一个日子,却不得看见。 人将要对你们说‘看哪,在那里!’、‘看哪,在这里!’,你们不要出去,也不要跟随他们。 ”

《路加福音 17:22-23》

1. “人子的一个日子”

a. 这指的是主耶稣在世上为人子的时候

b. 祂的生命被认为是理所当然的

c. 那些日子不会永远持续下去

d. 有一天,当人想见主时,他们将无法像当时那样看到祂,因为祂已经回到天上了

e. 人子的日子需要珍惜

2. 虚假的信息

a. 会有假师傅

b. 如果他们能够,他们会使人误入歧途

c. 他们将说:

i. “看哪,在那里!”

ii. “看哪,在这里!” 《路加福音 17:23a》

3. 重要的忠告

a. 不要出去

b. 不要跟随他们《路加福音 17:23b》

c. 错误教导的危险是非常真实的