Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 135

Text: Luke 11: 2


1. It is good to be familiar with “The Lord’s Prayer”.

“Our Father in heaven; Hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.”

Luke 11:2

2. Reflect on what we have read earlier.

a. “Our Father in heaven”
b. “Hallowed be Your name”

3. “Your kingdom come”

a. This is a reference to two main ideas.
i. The Kingdom of God that is already in existence in heaven.
ii. The Kingdom of God that He wishes to establish on earth.
b. This is a Prayer
i. That God would let His Kingdom be set on earth.
ii. And that God would expedite the setting up of His Kingdom.
iii. This Prayer may be translated: “Let Your Kingdome come”.

4. The Background of this Prayer item.

a. Psalm 2 is known as a Messianic Psalm.
b. It contains Features about God sending His Messiah to earth.
i. The word “Messiah” means “The Anointed One” (Psalm 2:2).
ii. He is Anointed as King (Psalm 2:6).
iii. He is God’s Son (Psalm 2:7).
iv. God has given all the nations to Him as His inheritance (Psalm 2:8).
c. This Prayer is a plea.
i. That God would set up His Messianic Kingdom on earth
ii. That the Messiah would be established as the rightful King.
d. Awareness of Resistance.
i. Not all would accept the Messiah as King.
ii. They would resist God’s decree (Psalm 2:1-2).
iii. Praying that God would overcome all resistance.

经文:路加福音 11:2


1. 熟悉“主祷文”是一件好事


《路加福音 11:2》

2. 反思我们刚才所读的

a. “我们在天上的父”
b. “愿人都尊你的名为圣”

3. “愿你的国度降临”

a. 这指的是两个概念
i. 上帝的国度已经在天上存在着
ii. 上帝也会在地上建立祂的国度
b. 这是一个祷告
i. 让上帝的国度行在地上
ii. 愿上帝尽快地建立祂的国度
iii. 这个祷告可以解读为“愿你的国度降临”

4. 这个祷告项目的背景

a. 《诗篇2》也称为弥赛亚的诗篇
b. 它涵括了上帝差遣弥赛亚到世上的特征
i.“弥赛亚”的意思是“受膏者”《诗篇 2:2》
ii. 祂受膏为君《诗篇 2:6》
iii. 祂是上帝的儿子《诗篇 2:7》
iv. 上帝将列国赐为祂的基业《诗篇 2:8》
c. 这个祷告是个祈求
i. 上帝会在地上建立祂弥赛亚的国度
ii. 弥赛亚将确立为正式的君王
d. 意识到抵抗
i. 不是每个人会接受弥赛亚为君王
ii. 他们会抵挡上帝的指令《诗篇 2:1-2》
iii. 祈求上帝会胜于一切抵抗