Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 133

Text: Luke 11: 1


1. All Jews were taught how to pray to God.

a. Praying was encouraged.
b. But prayer to many did not seem to be very meaningful.

2. All their prayers were “fixed” or “set”.

a. Their prayers were memorised.
b. They were then recited.


1. The Disciples noted the way the Lord Jesus prayed.

a. He would withdraw into the wilderness often to pray (Luke 5:16).
b. There was one time, He stayed up all night in prayer (Luke 6:12).

2. But none of them knew how to pray the way the Lord Jesus did.

a. He could spend a significant time in prayer.
b. He would come back after prayer, ready for ministry.
c. Somehow, prayer seemed to do wonders for the Lord Jesus Christ.

i. He never seemed tired.

ii. He appeared fresh and strong after prayer.

3. One day, they observed the Lord Jesus withdrawing for prayer.

“Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place, when He ceased, that one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray,
as John also taught his disciples.’”

Luke 11:1

a. They noted that the Lord Jesus was in prayer.
b. They waited for Him to cease praying.

4. They asked the Lord Jesus to teach them how to pray.

a. “Lord, teach us to pray”
i. The Lord had taught them many lessons already.
ii. They were eager to learn how to pray too.
b. “As John also taught his disciples”
i. John the Baptiser spent much time in prayer too.
ii. He had taught his disciples to pray.
c. The Disciples knew that praying was not their strong suit.
i. They must improve.
ii. They must learn to pray better.

经文:路加福音 11:1


1. 所有的犹太人都被教导如何向上帝祷告

a. 祷告是受鼓励的
b. 但是祷告对很多人来说并没有什么意义

2. 他们的祷告都是“固定的”

a. 他们把祷告文熟记起来
b. 然后才将祷告文背诵出来


1. 门徒注意到主耶稣的祷告方式

a. 祂会退到旷野去祷告《路加福音 5:16》
b. 有一次,祂整夜都在祷告《路加福音 6:12》

2. 但门徒们都不知道如何像主耶稣那样祷告

a. 祂可以花大量的时间祷告
b. 祂祷告回来以后,便有事奉的安排和行动
c. 不知何故,祷告对主耶稣有很良好的效果
i. 祂不会疲惫
ii. 祂祷告以后显得神清气爽

3. 有一天,他们注意到主耶稣退下祷告


《路加福音 11:1》

a. 他们注意到主耶稣在祷告
b. 他们等到祂祷告完毕

4. 他们要主耶稣教导他们如何祷告

a. “求主教导我们祷告”
i. 主耶稣已经教导他们许多堂课
ii. 他们也积极地想学习祷告
b. “像约翰教导他的门徒”
i. 施洗约翰也花很多时间祷告
ii. 他有教导他的门徒祷告
c. 门徒们知道祷告不是他们的强项
i. 他们必须进步
ii. 他们必须学习更好地祷告