Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 126

Text: Luke 10: 13-16


1. Three cities were cited as examples:

a. Chorazin Luke 10:13a
b. Bethsaida Luke 10:13b
c. Capernaum Luke 10:15
d. These were cities in the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee.

2. Chorazin and Bethsaida

a. Little is known about Chorazin itself.
b. Bethsaida was mentioned as the city of Philip, Andrew and Peter (John 1:44).

3. What was the problem?

a. The Lord Jesus performed “mighty works” in these cities (Luke 10:13b).
b. They were not repentant though.
c. If the same mighty deeds had been performed in Tyre and Sidon they would have repented.
d. Ezekiel 28 described the judgment that God would bring to these two cities.

4. Capernaum

a. This city was mentioned many times in the Gospels.
b. It was called “exalted to heaven” because of the many miracles performed there.
i. After His rejection from Nazareth (Luke 4:16-30), the Lord Jesus ministered at Capernaum (Luke 4:31-37).
ii. It was where the Lord healed the mother-in-law of Peter (Luke 4:38-39).
iii. The healing of the Centurion’s servant (Luke 7:1-10).
c. In its judgment, it would be brought down to Hades (the grave) {Luke 10:15}.

5. A significant thought

“He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”

Luke 10:16

a. Hearing the Disciples.
This was likened to hearing the Lord Jesus.
b. Rejecting the Disciples.
This was likened to rejecting the Lord Jesus.
c. Rejecting the Lord Jesus.
This was rejecting God who had sent the Lord Jesus Christ.

经文:路加福音 10:13-16


1. 三个城被举为例子:

a. 哥拉汛 《路加福音 10:13a》
b. 伯赛大 《路加福音 10:13b》
c. 迦百农 《路加福音 10:15》
d. 这些都是在加利利海北岸的城

2. 哥拉汛和伯赛大

a. 我们对哥拉汛的认识很少
b. 伯赛大被叙述为腓力、安得烈和彼得的城《约翰福音 1:44》

3. 问题究竟是什么呢?

a. 主耶稣在这些城行了“异能”《路加福音 10:13b》
b. 但他们并没有悔改
c. 若同样的异能行在推罗和西顿,他们一定会悔改
d. 《以西结书28》述说了上帝将临在这两个城的审判

4. 迦百农

a. 这城在福音里出现许多次
b. 它被称为“升到天上”因为很多异能是在这城行的
i. 主耶稣在拿撒勒被弃绝后《路加福音 4:16-30》,到迦百农做职事《路加福音 4:31-37》
ii. 这就是主医治彼得的岳母的地方《路加福音 4:38-39》/h6>

iii. 治百夫长的仆人 《路加福音 7:1-10》/h6>

c. 在审判中,迦百农必推下阴间(坟墓)《路加福音 10:15》

5. 一个意义重大的意念


《路加福音 10:16》

a. 听从门徒们
b. 弃绝门徒们
c. 弃绝主耶稣