Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 8

Text: Luke 1:26-29


1. The angel Gabriel was sent on another mission six months later.

2. This time the location was in Galilee, north of Judea

3. Nazareth was a city in Galilee (Luke 1:26).


1. The angel Gabriel was to visit Mary and to give her a message from God.

2. Mary was engaged to Joseph, who was from the line of King David (Luke 1:27).

3. She was noted to be a virgin (Luke 1:27).

4. This was an important fact.

a. She was going to fulfil a prophecy (Isaiah 7:14).
i. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son.
ii. And shall call His name Immanuel.
b. This was the reason why Gabriel came to see her.


1. The words of the angel Gabriel in his greetings

a. “Rejoice, highly favoured one”
i. Mary was greatly favoured indeed.
ii. The word “favour” means “grace”.
iii. God had indeed given her much grace.
iv. Mary did not understand these words fully yet.
b. “The LORD is with you”
i. This speaks of the Lord’s personal presence
ii. God’s grace (favour) was with her if He was with her
c. “Blessed are you among women” (Luke 1:28)
i. Gabriel regarded her as being blessed among women.
ii. Not that other women were not blessed but that she was especially blessed.

2. These words astounded Mary

a. She was troubled by this saying (Luke 1:29).
b. What could this saying mean?
i. She had not fully understood this lofty greeting of the angel Gabriel.
ii. Who was this glorious being who spoke such words to her?

经文:路加福音 1:26-29


1. 天使加百列六个月后,被差遣到另一户人家

2. 这次是在加利利,犹太以北

3. 拿撒勒是加利利中的一座城《路加福音 1:26》


1. 天使加百列向马利亚显现,并带给她上帝的信息

2. 马利亚已经许配给约瑟,大卫家中的子民

3. 她被称是童女《路加福音 1:27》

4. 这是重要的事实

a. 她将应验预言《以赛亚书 7:14》
i. 有童女怀孕生子
ii. 给他起名叫以马内利
b. 这是天使加百列向马利亚显现的原因


1. 天使加百列问安的祝语

a. “蒙大恩的”
i. 马利亚确实蒙大恩
ii. “大恩”指的是上帝的“恩典”
iii. 上帝确实供她极大的恩典
iv. 马利亚那时还没完全明白这些话
b. “主和你同在”
i. 这提到主与马利亚的同在
ii. 若上帝与她同在,祂的恩典(恩惠)必随着她
c. “蒙大恩的女子”
i. 加百列当她为女子中蒙恩的
ii. 不是因为其他女子没有受恩而是她特别蒙恩福

2. 这话使马利亚惊慌

a. 马利亚因这话就很惊慌《路加福音 1:29》
b. 这些话到底表示什么?
i. 马利亚并不完全明白天使加百列问安的话中意义
ii. 这和她说话且富有荣耀的,到底是谁?