Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 5

Text: Luke 1: 15-17


1. The angel of the Lord also had a word to say about John.

2. A prophetic word about John who was not yet even conceived!

a. Greatness

“He will be great in the sight of the Lord…”

Luke 1:15a

i. Not greatness in the worldly sense.
ii. But greatness in God’s sight.
b. Special consecration to God.

“And shall drink neither wine nor strong drink.”

Luke 1:15a

i. A Nazarite Vow
This was part of a Nazarite vow (Numbers 6:1-8).
ii. The focus

“He shall be holy to the LORD.”

Numbers 6:8

c. Filling of the Spirit.

“He will also be filled with the Spirit, even from his mother’s womb.”

Luke 1:15c

i. This would be a special work of God.
ii. There will be special care and protection.
d. Successful ministry:

“And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God.”

Luke 1:16

i. John will become a servant of God.
ii. He will be successful in helping many to return to God in faith.
e. Spirit and power of Elijah.

“He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah,‘to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children,’and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready a people prepared for the Lord.”

Luke 1:17

i. Elijah was a powerful prophet of God in ancient days.
ii. John would be given special spiritual power too.
iii. He will help broken families.
iv. He will help the disobedient to become wise.
v. He will help prepare people for the Messiah of the Lord.
(Messiah means “The Anointed One of God.” This is a reference to the Lord Jesus Christ”.)


使者奇妙的显现 (二)

1. 主的使者所说关于约翰的话

2. 还没有怀着约翰,却已有着关于他的预言

a. 伟大


《路加福音 1:15a》

i. 并不是这世界所定义的伟大
ii. 乃是上帝眼里的伟大
b. 特别为上帝分别为圣


《路加福音 1:15a》

i. 拿细耳人的誓言
这是拿细耳人誓言的一部分《民数记 6:1-8》
ii. 重点


《民数记 6:8》

c. 被圣灵的充满


《路加福音 1:15c》

i. 这将是上帝特别奇妙的作为
ii. 将会有着特殊的看顾与保守
d. 成功的事工:


《路加福音 1:16》

i. 约翰将成为上帝的仆人
ii. 他将会成功带领许多人归向并信靠上帝
e. 以利亚的心志能力


《路加福音 1:17》

i. 在古时,以利亚是上帝一位富有能力的先知
ii. 约翰也将领受特别的属灵能力
iii. 他将帮助破碎的家庭
iv. 他将帮助悖逆的人变为明智
v. 他将为救主弥赛亚预备合用的百姓(弥赛亚的意思是“上帝的受膏者”。这指的是主耶稣基督)