Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 371

Text: Genesis 48: 15-16


Genesis 48:15-16

15 And he blessed Joseph, and said:
“God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked,
The God who has fed me all my life long to this day,
16 The Angel who has redeemed me from all evil, Bless the lads;
Let my name be named upon them,
And the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac;
And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth.”


1. The blessing uttered

a. The first word of blessing was on Joseph.
b. Such was the love that Jacob had for his beloved son.

2. The invocation of God’s name

a. God was acknowledged as the God of Abraham and Isaac.
b. He was the God who had fed him all his life.

3. The mention of “The Angel”

a. This is a reference to the special Angel of the LORD.
b. He was the Redeeming Angel from all that was evil.
c. This was a reference to the Messiah who would be the great Redeemer (Saviour) of the world.

4. Blessing on the grandchildren

a. The name of all the three patriarchs pronounced
(Abraham, Isaac and Israel).
b. May their names and all that they symbolized become a blessing on the children!
c. May the children be blessed and become a multitude on earth!
i. This was a huge blessing pronounced.
ii. This was a very significant moment for the family.

经文:创世记 48:15-16


《创世记 48:15-16》



1. 说出的祝福

a. 第一句祝福是给约瑟的
b. 这就是雅各对他亲爱的儿子所表达的爱

2. 祈求上帝的名

a. 上帝被承认是亚伯拉罕和以撒的上帝
b. 祂是牧羊他一生的上帝

3. 提到“使者”

a. 这指的是上帝特别的使者
b. 祂是那个使他脱离一切患难的使者
c. 这指的是弥赛亚,祂将是这世界的伟大救赎主(救主)

4. 祝福孙子们

a. 三位族长都被提名(亚伯拉罕、以撒和以色列)
b. 愿他们的名及他们所象征的一切成为孩子们的祝福!
c. 愿孩子们蒙福,并且在世界中生养众多!
i. 这宣告的祝福是何等之大
ii. 这是这家庭的一个极为重大的时刻