Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 360

Text: Genesis 47: 13-14


Genesis 47:13-14

13 Now there was no bread in all the land; for the famine was very severe, so that the land of Egypt and the land of Canaan languished because of the famine.
14 And Joseph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan, for the grain which they bought; and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh’s house.


1. The famine

a. There was no bread.
b. The famine was very severe.

2. The lands highlighted

a. The land of Egypt.
b. The land of Canaan.
c. Both lands languished because of the severity of the famine.

3. The people who came to buy food from Joseph

a. All Egypt came to purchase food.
b. Canaan also came to buy food.
i. Jacob’s family was only a small group of people who lived in Canaan.
ii. There were many other groups of people who lived in Canaan.
iii. Hittites, Hivites, Perizzites etc.

4. The proceeds

a. He collected all the proceeds that came from the sale of grain.
b. All the money collected went to the Pharaoh.
c. Joseph proved to be a good and honest administrator.
d. The support of Joseph’s family members did not affect the wealth of the Pharaoh.

经文:创世记 47:13-14


《创世记4 7:13-14》
13 饥荒甚大,全地都绝了粮,甚至埃及地和迦南地的人因那饥荒的缘故都饿昏了。

14 约瑟收聚了埃及地和迦南地所有的银子,就是众人籴粮的银子,约瑟就把那银子带到法老的宫里。


1. 饥荒

a. 都绝了粮
b. 饥荒甚大

2. 被指出的地

a. 埃及地
b. 迦南地
c. 由于饥荒甚大,这两土地都饿昏了

3. 来向约瑟购籴粮的众人

a. 全埃及都来籴粮
b. 迦南人也来籴粮
i. 雅各的家人只是住在迦南的一小部分
ii. 还有许多其他人住在迦南
iii. 赫人、希未人、比利系人等等

4. 收益

a. 他收集了所有售卖粮所得到的银子
b. 所有收集到的银子都交给了法老
c. 约瑟证明了自己是一位良好和诚实的行政人员
d. 给予约瑟家人的支持一点也没有影响法老的财富