Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 293

Text: Genesis 37: 18-20


Genesis 37:18-20

18 Now when they saw him afar off, even before he came near them, they conspired against him to kill him.
19 Then they said to one another, “Look, this dreamer is coming!
20 Come therefore, let us now kill him and cast him into some pit; and we shall say, ‘Some wild beast has devoured him.’ We shall see what will become of his dreams!”


1. Catching sight of Joseph

a. The brothers of Joseph had caught sight of Joseph though he was still far away.
b. They were probably quite good shepherds who looked after their flocks carefully
i. They had to watch out for wild animals that may attack the flock.
ii. They also had to watch out for thieves/ robbers who might steal sheep.

2. Conversation among the brothers

a. They had little love for Joseph.
b. They called him a “dreamer”.
i. The brothers had to work very hard.
ii. Joseph had a relatively easier life.
iii. He had the luxury of being able to dream.

3. Conspiracy

a. Some suggested killing Joseph.
i. This thought reflected the depth of hatred they had for Joseph.
ii. They must have remembered the bad report he gave to their father.
iii. They were also jealous that their father had favoured Joseph so much.
b. They would then inform their father that a wild beast had devoured him.
c. They were very incensed against Joseph for sharing his dreams.

经文:创世记 37:18-20


《创世记 37:18-20》
18 他们远远地看见他,趁他还没有走到跟前,大家就同谋要害死他,
19 彼此说:“你看,那做梦的来了。

20 来吧,我们将他杀了,丢在一个坑里,就说有恶兽把他吃了。我们且看他的梦将来怎么样!”


1. 看见了约瑟

a. 虽然约瑟在远处,哥哥们就看见了他
b. 他们可能是非常好的牧羊人,认真照顾他们的群羊
i. 他们必须提防可能攻击群羊的野生动物
ii. 他们还必须提防可能偷羊的小偷/强盗

2. 哥哥们彼此的对话

a. 他们对约瑟几乎没有爱
b. 他们称他为“那做梦的”
i. 哥哥们必须非常努力做工
ii. 约瑟的生活相比起来轻松一些
iii. 他也有做梦的福气

3. 同谋

a. 一些提议害死约瑟
i. 这个想法反映了他们对约瑟的仇恨之深
ii. 他们一定记得他给父亲的坏报信
iii. 他们也很嫉妒父亲十分偏爱约瑟
b. 他们将会告知父亲野兽把他吃了
c. 他们因约瑟分享自己的梦而感到非常生气