Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 230

Text: Genesis 30: 29-30


Genesis 30:29-30

29 So Jacob said to him, “You know how I have served you and how your livestock has been with me.
30 For what you had before I came was little, and it has increased to a great amount; the LORD has blessed you since my coming. And now, when shall I also provide for my own house?”


1. A quick review of Jacob’s work for Laban

a. Jacob had indeed served Laban.
b. He had looked after his livestock.

2. Laban’s original family business

a. Laban’s business in livestock was correctly described as “little”.
b. Jacob worked hard and skillfully for his father-in-law.

3. The present state of Laban’s livestock business

a. Jacob had caused Laban’s business to prosper significantly.
b. An inventory of his would indicate that Laban now had “a great amount”.

4. The LORD’s blessing

a. This is all too obvious.
b. He had caused Laban’s business to improve very significantly.
c. But the profit had all gone to Laban.
d. Under the original agreement, Jacob would serve Laban without wages for seven years. He ended up serving Laban under similar circumstances for the next seven years.

5. A valid concern

a. Jacob would need to start providing for his own family.
b. He had a large family to provide for!
c. He had worked for fourteen years without wages.

经文:创世记 30:29-30


《创世记 30:29-30》



1. 评论雅各为拉班做的工

a. 雅各确实很好地服侍了拉班
b. 他照料了他的牲畜

2. 拉班原本的家庭生意

a. 拉班的牲畜生意用“少”来形容是恰当的
b. 雅各很勤劳并且有技巧地为他的岳父工作

3. 现今拉班的牲畜生意

a. 雅各使拉班的生意显著地兴旺了
b. 若盘点拉班的牲畜,就会显现他如今“发达众多”

4. 上帝的赐福

a. 这实在太明显了
b. 祂使拉班的生意显著兴盛
c. 但是所有的利润都归于拉班
d. 原照协议,雅各应该在无工价的情况下服侍拉班七年。但是他最终却在同等的条件下服侍了他多七年。

5. 有根据的顾虑

a. 雅各必须开始为自己兴家立业
b. 他有一个大家庭靠他供应!
c. 他已经在无工价的情况下服侍了十四年