Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 176

Text: Genesis 26: 15-16


Genesis 26:15-16

15 Now the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and they had filled them with earth.
16 And Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are much mightier than we.”


1. The servants of Isaac

a. These servants had served Abraham when he was alive.
b. They had continued to serve Isaac as the heir of Abraham.
c. Their sense of loyalty is to be admired.

2. Digging of wells

a. Wells were an important source of water for farming and for the family.
b. The older servants knew where the locations of the old wells were.
c. These wells stood Isaac in good stead.

3. Hostility of the Philistines

a. They were mean.
b. They filled up the wells with earth so that they could not be used.

4. Abimelech’s earlier attitude

a. He had allowed Isaac to dwell in his land.
b. He had even warned his people not to touch Rebekah on pain of death.

5. Abimelech’s change of attitude

a. His attitude changed drastically.
b. Isaac’s presence in his country was no longer welcome.
c. He feared Isaac for he was getting wealthier and mightier.
He told Isaac to leave the land of the Philistines.

经文: 创世记 26:15-16


《创世记 26:15-16》
15 当他父亲亚伯拉罕在世的日子他父亲的仆人所挖的井,非利士人全都塞住,填满了土。

16 亚比米勒对以撒说:“你离开我们去吧,因为你比我们强盛得多。”


1. 以撒的仆人

a. 这些是在亚伯拉罕还活着时就侍奉他的仆人
b. 他们继续侍奉以撒,因他是亚伯拉罕的继承人
c. 他们的忠诚是值得钦佩的

2. 挖水井

a. 水井是农业和家庭使用的重要水源
b. 比较年长的仆人知道旧水井的所在处
c. 这些水井使以撒享有极大的优势

3. 非利士人的敌意

a. 他们很卑鄙
b. 他们把水井塞住,填满了土,使它们不能被使用

4. 亚比米勒之前的态度

a. 他允许以撒居住在他的土地
b. 他甚至警告他的子民,凡沾利百加的都会被治死

5. 亚比米勒改变了态度

a. 他对以撒的态度有极大的转变
b. 他不再欢迎以撒居住在他的境内
c. 他惧怕以撒越来越富有,越来越有势力。