Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Genesis)

My Song In The Night (Genesis)
Day 165

Text: Genesis 24: 66-67


Genesis 24:66-67

66 And the servant told Isaac all the things that he had done.
67 Then Isaac brought her into his mother Sarah’s tent; and he took Rebekah and she became his wife, and he loved her. So Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.


1. The report of the chief steward to Isaac

a. He must have given a full report of all that had transpired.
b. From meeting Rebekah to her decision to marry Isaac.

2. Marriage between Isaac and Rebekah

a. Isaac married her.
b. He loved her.
c. Reasons for loving Rebekah:
i. From what the chief steward had spoken about her kindness and diligence.
ii. From her decision to leave her family and her home to marry Isaac.
iii. Traveling in those days was not a common activity.
iv. It would take faith and courageous spirit to attempt such a long journey.
v. These features were not lost on Isaac.

3. Sarah’s tent

a. Isaac must have gone back to where his mother had spent her last days.
b. She had died and Abraham had not been around when she drew her last breath.
c. Isaac was probably deeply attached to his mother and had grieved much at her death.
d. Rebekah brought to Isaac’s heart the comfort that he could not find when his mother passed away.

经文:创世记 24:66-67


《创世记 24:66-67》
66 仆人就将所办的一切事都告诉以撒。

67 以撒便领利百加进了他母亲撒拉的帐篷,娶了她为妻,并且爱她。以撒自从他母亲不在了,这才得了安慰。


1. 总管家给以撒的报告

a. 他一定为所有发生的事情提供完整的报告
b. 从见到利百加到她要嫁给以撒的决定

2. 以撒和利百加的婚姻

a. 以撒娶了她
b. 他爱她
c. 爱利百加的原因:
i. 总管家分享了她的善良和勤奋
ii. 她决定离开家人和家, 嫁给以撒
iii. 在那个时代,长途步行并不常见
iv. 试图如此漫长的旅程需要信心和勇气
v. 以撒都看到了利百加的这些特征


a. 以撒可能回到他母亲临死前的地方
b. 母亲已过世。在她临死前,亚伯拉罕并不在祂身边。
c. 以撒很可能深深地依恋他的母亲,对她的死感到非常悲痛
d. 利百加给予以撒在母亲逝世后所找不到的安慰。