Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 234

Text: Exodus 33: 15-17


Exodus 33:15-17

18 And he said, “Please, show me Your glory.”
19 Then He said, “I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”
20 But He said, “You cannot see My face; for no man shall see Me, and live.”


1. A bold request from Moses

a. He asked God to show him His glory.
b. God had already shown His glory.
i. His Power was shown in the miracles performed (Egypt).
ii. His Presence (cloud and fire..
iii. His Provision (water, manna, quails).
c. He knew that there was much more of God’s glory he had not seen.
d. He wanted to see the fulness of His glory.

2. God’s response to Moses

a. God has many profound attributes.
b. He had already displayed some of them.
i. He will show more of His “goodness”.
ii. He will proclaim His name to Moses.
iii. He will show graciousness.
iv. He will also show mercy.

3. The fulness of God’s glory

a. This is expressed in the word “My face”.
b. This would be the fulness of God’s glory.
c. No one could see God’s Being fully and live!

4. A small comparison

a. We can feel the warmth of the sun.
b. But we cannot see the sun directly or we would become blind.
c. We cannot draw too near to the sun or we would perish.

God is far greater than the sun! We cannot see the full face of God!

经文:出埃及记 33:18-20


《出埃及记 33:18-20》



1. 摩西大胆的要求

a. 他求上帝显出祂的荣耀给他看
b. 上帝已经显出祂的荣耀了
i. 祂的大能已在祂所行的神迹中显现了(埃及)
ii. 祂的同在(云与火)
iii. 祂的供应(水、吗哪和鹌鹑)
c. 他知道他还未见证上帝所有的荣耀
d. 他想要见到上帝充充满满的荣耀

2. 上帝对摩西的回应

a. 上帝有许多深奥的神性
b. 祂已经显现了一些
i. 祂会显现更多的“恩慈”
ii. 祂会向摩西宣告祂的名
iii. 祂会赐恩典
iv. 祂也会赐怜悯

3. 上帝充充满满的荣耀

a. “我(上帝)的面”这词表达了上帝的荣耀
b. 这将是上帝充充满满的荣耀
c. 无人能够见到上帝的面而存活!

4. 做个小比较

a. 我们能感觉到太阳的暖和
b. 但我们不能够直视太阳,否则我们会失明
c. 我们不能太靠近太阳,否则我们会身亡
