Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 222

Text: Exodus 32: 22-24


Exodus 32:22-24

22 So Aaron said, “Do not let the anger of my lord become hot. You know the people, that they are set on evil.
23 For they said to me, ‘Make us gods that shall go before us; as for this Moses, the man who brought us out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.’
24 And I said to them, ‘Whoever has any gold, let them break it off.’ So they gave it to me, and I cast it into the fire, and this calf came out.”


1. Aaron’s response to Moses

a. Aaron did not seem to realise the severity of this sin of idolatry.
i. He was aware that Moses was not speaking as a brother to a brother.
ii. Thus, he addressed Moses as “my lord”.
iii. Moses was the one appointed by God as the leader and not Aaron.

b. He asked Moses not to be so angry.

i. He had not understood just how angry God was.
ii. He only noted the anger of Moses.
iii. He sought to pacify his brother.
c. Blaming the people:
i. Aaron blamed the people.
ii. They were bent to doing evil.
iii. He did not take the blame.

2. A more detailed explanation

a. The people had asked Aaron to make them “gods” (an idol).
b. He cited their words directly.
i. They had disdained Moses.
ii. They had wanted an idol to represent God.
iii. They had been very insistent in their demand.
c. Aaron then asked the people for their gold ornaments.
d. The people contributed the gold.
e. The idol was made subsequently.

Aaron glibly answered Moses. He had failed to see how grievous this sin was.

经文:出埃及记 32:22-24


《出埃及记 32:22-24》
22 亚伦说:“求我主不要发烈怒。这百姓专于作恶,是你知道的。
23 他们对我说:‘你为我们做神像,可以在我们前面引路,因为领我们出埃及地的那个摩西,我们不知道他遭了什么事。’

24 我对他们说:‘凡有金环的,可以摘下来。’他们就给了我,我把金环扔在火中,这牛犊便出来了。”



a. 亚伦似乎没有意识到这拜神像之罪的严重性
i. 他知道摩西不是以兄弟的身份对他说话
ii. 因此,他称摩西为“我主”
iii. 上帝拣选的领袖是摩西,不是亚伦
b. 亚伦要求摩西不要这么生气
i. 他不明白上帝是多么的生气
ii. 他只注意到摩西的愤怒
iii. 他试图安抚他的兄弟
c. 把责任推给百姓
i. 亚伦归咎于百姓
ii. 他怪他们专于作恶
iii. 亚伦没有承担责任

2. 更详细的解释

a. 百姓要求亚伦为他们造“神”(神像)
b. 他直接引用了他们的话
i. 他们鄙视摩西
ii. 他们要一个神像代表上帝
iii. 他们很坚持地要求造神像
c. 亚伦然后向百姓要了金饰
d. 百姓贡献了金子
e. 神像就随后造出来了