Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 16

Text: Exodus 3: 11-12


Exodus 3:11-12

11 But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
12 So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”


1. Doubts expressed

a. Doubts are common things we experience.
i. Doubts about ourselves.
ii. Doubts about our ability.
b. Doubts expressed by Moses.
i. He did not feel qualified or confident to see Pharaoh.
ii. He certainly had doubts that he could bring the children of Israel out of Egypt.
c. Reasons for his doubts:
i. He had fled Egypt a long time ago.
ii. He had been living in Midian all these years.
iii. He had been a humble shepherd all this while.
iv. How could he be sent for such an important task as this?

2. God’s answer

a. God was very patient and kind to Moses.
b. The doubts of Moses would have to be dealt with.
c. He would have to give much assurance to Moses so that his doubts would not hinder him from obeying.
d. He would be with Moses! This was a great answer!
i. God’s Presence would be all that Moses would need.
ii. God’s Power would obviously be with him for this work.

3. God would give a sign

a. Moses and the children of Israel would come to this very mountain one day.
b. They would be worshipping God on this mountain.
c. When this happened, this would be a confirming sign from God!

经文:出埃及记 3:11-12


《出埃及记 3:11-12》



1. 表示疑惑

a. 我们常感受到疑惑
i. 对自己而感到疑惑
ii. 对自己的能力而感到疑惑
b. 摩西表示的疑惑
i. 他不觉得自己有足够的条件或信心去见法老
ii. 他肯定对自己能不能把以色列的百姓领出埃及而感到疑惑
c. 疑惑的理由
i. 他很久以前已经逃离埃及了
ii. 他这几年一直住在米甸
iii. 在这期间,他是一个低微的牧羊人
iv. 他怎么可以被差遣胜任那么重要的任务呢?

2. 上帝的回答

a. 上帝很有耐心及和蔼地对待摩西
b. 摩西所拥有的疑惑一定要被解决
c. 祂必须给摩西足够的肯定,他才不会因自己的疑惑而违背上帝的指示
d. 祂会与摩西同在!这是一个完美的回答!
i. 摩西所需要的就是上帝的同在
ii. 上帝的能量肯定会与他同在, 让他完成这任务

3. 上帝会给他证据

a. 摩西和以色列人有一天会回到这座山
b. 他们会在这座山敬拜上帝
c. 当此事发生,这就是上帝肯定的证据!