Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Exodus)

My Song In The Night (Exodus)
Day 5

Text: Exodus 1: 20-22


Exodus 1:20-22

20 Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty.
21 And so it was, because the midwives feared God, that He provided households for them.
22 So Pharaoh commanded all his people, saying, “Every son who is born you shall cast into the river, and every daughter you shall save alive.”


1. The blessing of the midwives

a. God blessed the midwives because they did not kill the male babies.
b. He provided households for them.

2. The continued growth of the children of Israel

a. The hard labour did not kill them.
b. Babies continued to be born to the Hebrew slaves.
c. The children of Israel continued to multiply.

3. A cruel command issued

a. The Pharaoh decided to take even sterner measures.
b. The Pharaoh pronounced a command that was cruel and wrong.
c. This was a command that was public and would prove fatal.
d. Daughters would be allowed to live.
i. They were not seen as a threat.
ii. Daughters were considered the weaker sex.
e. Sons would have to be cast into the rivers of Egypt.
i. This would bypass the work of the midwives.
ii. They may deliver the babies.
iii. But all male babies would be killed by drowning.
iv. They could be killed by predators that lived in the rivers (crocodiles).

经文:出埃及记 1:20-22


《出埃及记 1:20-22》
20 神厚待收生婆。以色列人多起来,极其强盛。
21 收生婆因为敬畏神,神便叫她们成立家室。

22 法老吩咐他的众民说:“以色列人所生的男孩,你们都要丢在河里;一切的女孩,你们要存留她的性命。”


1. 收生婆被赐福

a. 上帝祝福收生婆,因为她们没有杀死男婴
b. 祂便叫她们成立家室

2. 以色列人继续增加

a. 艰辛的苦工并没有杀害他们
b. 希伯来的奴隶继续生养孩子
c. 以色列人的孩子继续越发多起来

3. 发出残酷的命令

a. 法老决定采取更严格的措施
b. 法老宣布了一个残酷而错误的命令
c. 这是一个公开的命令,且将会致命
d. 允许女孩存活
i. 她们不被视为一种威胁
ii. 女孩被视为较弱的性别
e. 必须将男孩丢入埃及河中
i. 这将绕过收生婆的工作
ii. 她们可以接生婴儿
iii. 但是,所有的男婴都将被溺死
iv. 他们可能被在河中的捕食动物杀死(鳄鱼)