Daily Devotions


Day 114

The Son of Man

Text: Matthew 8 : 19 - 22

Jesus did not mean to discourage the scribe from becoming a disciple. In fact, a careful study of the text suggests that Jesus sought to encourage him to think about following the Son of Man.

The significance of the words chosen must not be lost. Perhaps the multitude may not appreciate the cryptic phrase, “Son of Man”. But to a scholarly scribe, the use of this phrase must surely strike a chord in his mind somewhere.

As a traditional scribe skilled in knowledge of both the Law and the other writings of Scripture, he would have known why Jesus used the term “Son of Man”. This was a phrase that was used in the apocalyptic book of Daniel. It was a reference to the eschatological Messiah that God would send to deliver Israel.

Would not this Son of Man be worth following? If He was indeed the Son of Man, it wouldn’t matter if he had to suffer privation. Just to be given the privilege of being the disciple of the Son of Man would be sufficient reward! The question was whether the scribe could understand and recognize Jesus as the eschatological Son of Man!


Perhaps the scribe never became a disciple of Jesus. Matthew did not record that he ever became a disciple. Few and far in between were true disciples found. People were willing to follow Jesus for their own personal reasons. However, only a very small number followed Him because they were convinced that He was indeed the Messiah, the Son of Man sent by God to be the Deliverer.

Another interesting conversation was recorded in the following text.

“Then another of His disciples said to Him,
‘Lord, let me first go and bury my father.'”
Matthew 8:21

The word “another” suggests that he was already a disciple of Jesus. His identity is not revealed and we are left guessing as to who this disciple was. This particular disciple appeared to be vacillating in his decision to follow Jesus. Thus he asked Jesus if he could perhaps postpone following Him for the moment. Could he plan to follow Him after he had done his duty to his parents. Could he wait till his father had died, and then follow Jesus after that?

There must be no mistaking what this disciple actually meant. He did not say that his father had actually died! If that was the case, Jesus and his fellow-disciples could be asked to minister to the bereaved family. This particular disciple knew how to use polite language to ask for permission to take a break from following Jesus as His disciple. Was he having second thoughts about following Jesus after all? This was quite possible. To follow Jesus was a great challenge indeed.


To answer this disciple’s question, Jesus made a statement that was deep and puzzling. He had a special word to give to the scribe who expressed a desire to follow Him. He also had another special word to give to this man who was already a disciple!

“But Jesus said to him, ‘Follow Me,
and let the dead bury their own dead.'”
Matthew 8:22

Those words must have sounded harsh to those who did not know Jesus. Those who know Him would not say that He was being too hard on this disciple. Those who know Him would take time to fathom what He meant.

1. The challenge to understand the significance of following Jesus

The words “Follow Me” may seem simple enough. However there is much to ponder over the word “Me”.

a) Did the disciple understand Who had called him to be His disciple?

b) Did the disciple fully appreciate the privilege that was given to him as a disciple? There were many who thronged Jesus, however few were chosen to be called “disciples”.

2. The challenge to understand the concept of being a disciple following Jesus.

a) Had the disciple fully understood the meaning of “following” in the footsteps of a Master?

b) Did the disciple understand how Jesus taught? The teaching method of Jesus was truly unique. He did not organize a classroom situation to teach His disciples. He wanted them to learn from Him through experiencing different things in actual ministry. No classroom could have taught them the lessons they learned as they saw how Jesus ministered to the multitudes!

3. “Let the dead bury the dead”

This must have been the hardest truth to accept. Perhaps this disciple had a great heart of love for his father. He must have wondered if by spending time with his father, he might be able to help him come to faith in the Lord.

Jesus had to teach this disciple that this was not going to be as he imagined. He who knew all hearts also knew how different people would respond. There were those who were “already dead”. These would never respond no matter what efforts are poured into their lives!


The good disciple of Jesus must not vacillate. He must not dither like a double-minded and unstable man. He must learn how to be resolute. He must learn what it means to possess fortitude in following Jesus as His disciple. There is “no turning back”.