Daily Devotions


Day 65

A warm reception at Galilee

Text: John 4:45-54


The trip to celebrate the Passover at Jerusalem was an unforgettable experience. Jesus did something that few could forget! He “cleansed” the Temple by chasing out all those who profiteered, doing “business” in the House of God! John also recorded the fact that Jesus performed miracles and that

“… many believed in His Name
when they saw the signs which He did”
John 2:23

Some of the people who saw the signs that Jesus did in Jerusalem were from Galilee. They were obviously quite happy when Jesus came to Galilee once again.

“So when He came to Galilee,
The Galileans received Him, having seen
All the things He did in Jerusalem at the feast;
For they also had gone to the feast.”
John 4:45

But just how well did they receive Jesus? The answer would soon be made clear in the next incident John recorded.


John made a special note that Jesus revisited Cana of Galilee. He wrote,

“So Jesus came again to Cana of Galilee
where He had made the water wine.”
John 4:46

John was obviously deeply impacted by the first miracle that He had seen Jesus perform. It never left his mind. Thus he mentioned once again that it was at Cana of Galilee that Jesus turned water into wine. Perhaps, it is with some sadness that only John seemed to appreciate the sign-miracle that Jesus had performed so graciously. Those who drank the best wine ever at the wedding feast probably had all but forgotten about the wine they consumed! John didn’t!

As Jesus walked through Cana of Galilee, He received an urgent request. A distraught man had come to see Him.

“And there was a certain nobleman
whose son was sick at Capernaum.
When He heard that Jesus had come out of Judea
Into Galilee, he went to Him and implored Him
To come down and heal his son, for he was
At the point of death.”
John 4:46-47

We have already been introduced to the fact that Jesus was most conscious of time. He spoke of it as His “hour” (John 2:4). Jesus was always moving to that hour, that final moment in time when He would be lifted up and draw men to Himself.

We need to bear in mind this consciousness that was in Jesus. He was far more guided in His movements than we may realize. He had come once to Cana of Galilee, and there met an important need for a wedding couple. He had gone to Jerusalem for an important ministry too. There He had revealed Himself as One who had the courage to cleanse the Temple. Shortly after that, He went to Sychar in Samaria and won many hearts! Now He found Himself in Cana of Galilee once again, and a distraught father came to Him! Were these just mere coincidences, or was He not in fact led by the Spirit to be at the right place and at the right time?

John described the individual who came to see Jesus as “a nobleman”. The word used here may either describe him as “an official” or even one who had blood relations with the king. In either case, he was not just one of the crowds. Nevertheless, he came as one who had a great need.

He acted as a nobleman would. He asked if Jesus could come to Capernaum to heal his son. What about Jesus and His ministry of teaching the masses? He did not think very much about that. He was only conscious of his son who lay so ill that he was
at the point of death. Could Jesus please drop whatever He was doing and could He please attend to his request?


But of course Jesus would help! Yet, He could not but be saddened by an awesome truth. Thus He said,

“Unless you people see signs and wonders,
you will by no means believe.”
John 4:48

Jesus made a quick but true comment. The nobleman wasn’t the only one with this problem. His remark covered all the people who came to Him. If signs and wonders were not performed, they just would not be able to believe! He had just come from Sychar in Samaria! He did not have to perform signs and wonders there to see people come to faith! He only had to preach and to proclaim the Word of God, and many of the Samaritans came to believe in Him!

The nobleman must have been astonished by Jesus! Surely this was not the time to talk! Surely this was not the time to discuss this problem of faith! His son lay on the verge of death. Would it not be the most logical thing to go to Capernaum to heal his son? Capernaum was more than 20km away from Cana of Galilee. If Jesus were to begin the journey to Capernaum with him, they just might make it in time to save his son. A delay could prove fatal! Thus he said,

“Sir, come down before my child dies!”
John 4:49

The nobleman lacked the faith to understand who Jesus really was!