Daily Devotions


Day 280


Day 280 – John 18


Peter loved Jesus fiercely. The person who dared to lay a hand on Jesus would feel his wrath and taste the steel of his sword. He could not fully understand why Jesus forbade him to use his sword! But he had to obey his Master’s voice. For three years now, Peter had followed Jesus as His disciple. For three years, he had learned what it meant to be an obedient Disciple. It was not an easy lesson for such a man like Peter to learn how to curb and control his temper.

All the Disciples had fled! Each had chosen his own path to flee. Peter soon found himself in the company of John, though the text does not disclose his identity. They were in the very courtyard of Annas, the father-in-law of Caiaphas. How did they happen to be there? Let’s take time to read the following text.

And Simon Peter followed Jesus, and so did
another disciple. Now that disciple was known
to the high priest, and went with Jesus into the
courtyard of the high priest.”
John 18:15

Peter followed Jesus, albeit from a distance. His heart of love led him back to his beloved Teacher. Yes, he had fled! But only for a short distance. Only for a moment. He could not go far from Jesus. He had to know what the enemies would do against his Master.

Along the way he met up with John, who was already in the courtyard of the high priest. John’s family had acquaintances in high places. John was even known to the high priest!


John couldn’t very well just allow his fellow-disciple to stand outside in the dark and the cold! Peter was a good friend after all.

“But Peter stood at the door outside. Then the
other disciple, who was known to the high priest,
went out and spoke to her who kept the door,
and brought Peter in.”
John 18:16

Peter must have been grateful to John for the friendship shown to him. Both were fellow-disciples! Both had worked together as fishermen previously. They had been friends for many years now! It would be quite normal for John to see to Peter being allowed into the courtyard of the high priest.


As soon as Peter stepped in, his heart froze. The servant girl who opened the door to let him in said,

“You are not also one of this Man’s disciples,
are you?”
John 18:17a

Why did the servant girl have to speak up suddenly like that? He was totally unprepared for this question. Why did she pounce on him like that?

Peter fumbled for an answer and then blurted out these words,

“I am not.”
John 18:17b

Peter had made his first denial of his beloved Teacher! Oh, why could he not curb his tongue! Why did he come in at all?

He brushed past her and went towards the fire that was started in the courtyard. The night was cold, but perhaps not as cold as Peter’s aching heart must have felt as the words tumbled out of his lips! He had denied his Master! To deny Him even once was unthinkable, but he had done it! Would he deny Him again as He had been forewarned?

“Now the servants and officers who had made
a fire of coals stood there, for it was cold,
and they warmed themselves. And Peter
stood with them and warmed himself.”
John 18:18

The interrogation of Jesus in the home of Annas was now over. He was being marched to the home of Caiaphas next. Annas had got nothing out of Jesus at all.

“Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the
high priest.”
John 18:24

The home of Caiaphas was quite near to that of Annas. The soldiers could easily march Jesus over from one home to the other.

Surely with all the movement, and it being the night time, surely no one would notice Peter, for he was one of many in the courtyard, seeking to keep warm. Suddenly, some of the people around him looked hard at him and queried him.

‘”You are not also one of His Disciples, are you?’
He denied it and said, ‘I am not!'”
John 18:25

Peter had denied Jesus a second time! How could that have happened? Peter did not have much time for reflection before another voice was heard,

“One of the servants of the high priest, a relative of
him whose ear Peter cut off, said, ‘Did I not see
you in the garden with Him?’ Peter then denied
again; and immediately a rooster crowed.”
John 18:26-27

Peter was nonplussed! He had denied his Master as forewarned! How could he who cut off the ear of Malchus to defend Jesus turn out to be such a coward? This was one of the most painful moments in Peter’s life! How could he have denied Jesus?