Daily Devotions


Day 245

John 16 : 16 - 33 "FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE"

Day 245 – John 16


Jesus knew that His use of figurative language proved quite difficult for His Disciples to understand. But He had His reasons for doing that. The use of figurative language enabled Him to convey deep truths in simple vehicles. A great many truths lay hidden in the figurative language that He employed. At a later stage, in quiet repose, and through the help of the Holy Spirit, the Disciples would understand the beauty and the deep truths that waited to be discovered.

However, Jesus anticipated the day when He would no longer need to speak to them in figurative language. One day, in the very near future, they would understand Him far more easily.

“These things I have spoken to you in figurative language;
but the time is coming when I will no longer speak to you
in figurative language, but I will tell you plainly
about the Father.”
John 16:25

Jesus taught His Disciples many deep and profound truths! Such teachings are not easily conveyed in plain language. Figurative language has its uses. Jesus employed it well. He was able to communicate deep truths in the shortest period of time! However, it would take a while before the Disciples would be able to fully comprehend all that He had taught them! Their part was not to be discouraged or dismayed if they did not fully comprehend all that Jesus had said to them. In time, all would be understood. In time, the Spirit of God would guide them to all truth!


Once again, Jesus alluded to His post-resurrection ministry. He knew that His Disciples were particularly struggling with His teachings concerning His suffering and His death. They found it hard to accept that Jesus had to die a cruel death! To cushion this painful blow to their hearts, Jesus spoke to them using the finest of figurative language.

However, after His resurrection, when all that He taught them had come to pass, then His words to them would be a whole lot easier to comprehend. After His resurrection, they would be able to compare “theory” and “fact”. They would then be able to put “two and two” together. What Jesus said to them would be as plain as day.

When there is no understanding, even simple truths could sound as puzzling as “figurative language”. For example, Jesus had always spoken to them of God as “The Father”. They were to regard Him as “Father”. They were to pray to Him as “Father”. Had the Disciples fully understood this concept of God? From what Jesus said here in this text, apparently not!

The Disciples had not yet learned how to relate to God as Father. They had been brought up as Jews who seemed to hold God at a distance. They had not yet learned how to call on God as their Father with the kind of love and confidence that Jesus desired of them.

However, Jesus anticipated that that would all change, after His resurrection. He would of course need to teach them further. They would also receive the Spirit of God and His power. They would have the perfect vision that comes from hindsight. They would be able to comprehend spiritual matters as never before. At that time, they would be able to speak to Jesus with a more mature faith and understanding.

Much hinged on Jesus completing what He came to do. He had come to die for the sins of the world. He was the Lamb of God that would take away the sin of the world! That was not an easy path to walk on, but He was the only One who could walk that road. He was the only One who could bring redemption to a fallen and sinful world! Thus the Disciples must brace themselves for the impact that would hit them when Jesus was captured and then put to death. They must look beyond His suffering and His death. They must trust the Father as Jesus did!


Jesus knew that the Disciples needed to deepen their knowledge of the Father, even as they needed to know more about the Holy Spirit. With great love in His heart, Jesus spoke once again about The Father to His Disciples.

“In that day you will ask in My Name,
and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you;
for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me,
and have believed that I came forth from God.
I came forth from the Father and have come into the world.
Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.”
John 16:26-28

These were not “new” truths. Jesus had spoken to His Disciples often about the Father. Let us enumerate some of the truths that He had lovingly taught them:-

1. God was to be regarded as the Father.

2. He was a great God of love. He loved the Disciples for they had learned to love His Son.

3. The Father had sent His Son to earth on a mission. He was indeed the Messianic Son of Man and Son of God.

4. Soon, He would complete His mission on earth. He would then return to His Father.

5. The Disciples had at least obtained the first level of faith. They had all believed that Jesus had indeed come from God.

6. One day, Jesus would not need to pray to the Father for them concerning the comprehension of these glorious truths. One day, they would fully comprehend all that Jesus had taught them.

These truths were not “new”. They had heard Jesus speak on these subjects in numerous occasions. Even now, He was going over these “old truths”.

The Disciples had understood these truths to some degree. Yet, the fact was that they had not fully mastered all that Jesus had taught them. He knew His Disciples!