Daily Devotions


Day 160

Jesus the King

Text: John 12 : 9 - 22


Had the multitudes fully understood Jesus as the Messiah? They certainly seemed sure as they hailed Him. John made an interesting observation even as he recorded this event.

The crowds were cheering. The Jews were fuming in anger. Jesus quietly rode into Jerusalem as King, whether or not He was fully understood! Did the Disciples understand all that they should have?

“Then Jesus, when He had found a young donkey,
sat on it; as it is written:

‘Fear not, daughter of Zion;
Behold, your King is coming,
Sitting on a donkey’s colt.’

His disciples did not understand these things at first…”
John 12:14-16a

Jesus knew exactly what He was doing, even if His Disciples didn’t. If His disciples did not understand Him fully, it was unlikely that the multitudes would have comprehended the significance of this event. The chief priests understood this event, but they resented Jesus for accepting the acclaim of the multitudes!


One of the things that Jesus was most conscious of was fulfilling whatever His Father had spoken through the prophets. Yes, ultimately it was His Father who had revealed things to the prophets. These faithful servants had only done their part in proclaiming great truths. But their messages originated from God and not from their own hearts!

The prophet Zechariah was one of the late post-exilic prophets who preached in the days of Zerubbabel. This man who was a descendant from David had returned to rebuild the city of Jerusalem. The people who came back with him to rebuild their city that had fallen into ruins were Ezra the Scribe and Nehemiah the Cup-Bearer. Another prophet who preached mightily alongside was Haggai! Together they formed a powerful team of servants of the Lord.

Those who returned from exile sought to rebuild their city. They also entered into the Temple Re-building Project. Nehemiah’s contribution was the rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem.

Even as work went on to rebuild Jerusalem, Zechariah was given a prophetic glimpse of an even greater work that God would do one day. He would send the Messiah to them! The Messianic Hope was rekindled in the days of Zechariah the prophet. Let us take a look at what he proclaimed to the people in his time as he prophesied about the day when their King would ride into Jerusalem.

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
Behold, your King is coming to you;
He is just and having salvation,
Lowly and riding on a donkey,
A colt, the foal of a donkey.”
Zechariah 9:9


God did promise Israel that He would send them a King! This was obviously a reference to the Messiah! Israel did not have a king over them since the Babylonians conquered Judah. The last king they had was Zedekiah (2 Chronicles 36:11-14).

The Jews in the days of Jesus lived under the might of Rome. The Romans ruled their empire with an iron fist! Life was very hard! Could Jesus with all the power that He had displayed be their King?

Most likely, the multitudes saw Jesus as their King-Deliverer! They wanted to have a better life – on earth! Their concept of a king was a political one! They probably failed to understand Jesus’ word to them when He chose to ride on a colt, the foal of a donkey as He made His way into Jerusalem. Jesus did not choose a war-horse as He rode into the city!

If the people had understood their Scriptures, they would have realized what Jesus was trying to say to them. The crowds were probably quite carried away with their hosannas and their palm waving to understand what Jesus was teaching them even as He rode into Jerusalem.

Yes, He was their King! All His life He had been the King as Zechariah had prophesied! He was just! He offered salvation! He was always humble (“lowly”). His preferred means of transport was a humble donkey!


Of course the hearts of the Disciples must have been deeply touched and thrilled as they heard the shouts of acclamation given to Jesus. What a contrast between the quiet way in which Mary acknowledged Jesus and the multitudes! Nothing could be more contrasting!

John recorded an honest appraisal of the understanding of the Disciples.

“His Disciples did not understand these things
at first; but when Jesus was glorified, then they
remembered that these things were written about Him
and that they had done these things to Him.”
John 12:16

Jesus had taught His Disciples well. He had probably gone through with the Disciples what He would do as He entered into the last week of His life on earth. However, they had failed to understand what He meant. It wasn’t till after His resurrection did they comprehend the significance of the Triumphal entry into Jerusalem.