Daily Devotions


Day 337

"Your first father sinned"

Text: Isaiah 43:27


The sins of Israel had to be addressed. Mankind has sinned against God from the very first person created.

“Your first father sinned,
And your mediators have transgressed against Me.
Therefore I will profane the princes of the sanctuary;
I will give Jacob to the curse,
And Israel to reproaches.”
Isaiah 43:27-28

1. “Your first father”

a) This can only be a reference to Adam.

b) The problem of sin is that it has very deep roots.

2. “Mediators”

a) Israel turned to “mediators”.

b) These were supposedly able to mediate on behalf of Israel.

c) The reality:

i) No one was an able mediator.

ii) Moses was an intercessor but not a mediator.

d) Only One Mediator.

“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men,
the Man Christ Jesus,
who gave Himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.”
1 Timothy 2:5-6

e) Israel turned to idolatrous mediators.
But they were transgressors in God’s sight.

3. The Curse of the LORD.

a) In the Mosaic Covenant.

i) There was the LORD’s promise of blessing (Deuteronomy 27).

ii) There was also His warning of curses if the people transgressed (Deuteronomy 27).

b) In this

i) Israel was like Jacob who sinned grievously.

ii) If there was no repentance, Israel would have to suffer severe consequences.

iii) Curses and reproaches would descend on the recalcitrant nation.