Daily Devotions


Day 304

"The coastlands saw it and feared"

Text: Isaiah 41:5


The “Coastlands” is a general reference to Gentile nations. Another reference to nations outside Israel would be “the ends of the earth”. They were aware of the decline of the Babylonian empire and the ascendance of a new power.

“The coastlands saw it and feared,
The ends of the earth were afraid;
They drew near and came.
Everyone helped his neighbour,
And said to his brother,
‘Be of good courage!’
So the craftsman encouraged the goldsmith;
He who smooths with the hammer inspired him who strikes the anvil,
Saying, ‘It is ready for the soldering’;
Then he fastened it with pegs,
That it might not totter.”
Isaiah 41:5-7

1. The Gentile nations.

a) The “coastlands”.

b) “The ends of the earth”.

2. Their response to the rise of the new power.

a) The new power would come from “the East”.

b) This was a reference to Cyrus the Great, the king of the Medo-Persians.

c) Their reaction was one of “fear”.

i) Every time a new empire attempts to rise up, there would be war.

ii) And where there is war, there would be great destruction and loss of lives.

iii) Because the Gentile nations did not know God, fear was paramount.

3. Everyone sought to find encouragement.

a) Finding mutual encouragement.

i) This was normal.

ii) Each country would try to encourage its own people.

iii) If they are allies, they would try and bolster courage.

b) Seeking the help of the idols they worshipped.

i) Reference is made concerning the idol makers.

ii) These would be the goldsmith, the silversmith and the craftsman.

iii) They make new idols.

iv) They seek to fasten the idols to their altars so they would not topple down.

c) The fear of the new power arising from the East was palpable and deep.