Daily Devotions


Day 230

"The eyes of those who see will not be dim"

Text: Isaiah 32:3


If the king and the princes rule well, with justice and righteousness, blessings will abound. The following things can result:

“The eyes of those who see will not be dim,
And the ears of those who hear will listen.
Also the heart of the rash will understand knowledge,
And the tongue of the stammerers will be ready to speak plainly.”
Isaiah 32:3-4

1. Those who see.

a) This could be a physical description.

i) In this case, Health would be a blessing.

ii) Continued good health would be a special blessing.

b) This could be a symbolic description.

i) To describe those who are wise.

ii) Those who are discerning.

iii) They will continue to be wise and discerning.

2. Those who hear.

a) This could be a physical description.

b) It could also be a symbolic description.

c) Hearing is a feature of the wise and discerning.

d) To all who seek wisdom, hearing well would be a blessing indeed.

3. Those who are rash.

a) It is often associated with the young and immature.

b) The rash need not continue to live recklessly and foolishly.

c) The rash can obtain knowledge and wisdom in a righteous kingdom.

4. Those who stammer.

a) Some stammer because:

I) They lack confidence.

ii) They lack knowledge and wisdom.

b) But they too can be blessed.

i) They will grow in knowledge and understanding.

ii) They can become skilful and eloquent.

iii) They will no longer stammer but speak with great ease.