Daily Devotions


Day 227

"Return to Him"

Text: Isaiah 31:6


The children had turned away from the LORD wilfully and stubbornly. There wasn’t any reason for their departure from God! Nevertheless, the LORD was open to receiving them if they were to sincerely and humbly return to Him.

“Return to Him against whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.
For in that day every man shall throw away his idols of silver and his idols of gold—
sin, which your own hands have made for yourselves.”
Isaiah 31:6-7

1. “Return to Him”

a) This was an urgent plea from the prophet Isaiah.

b) To return to the LORD was:

i) Logical

ii) Wise

iii) Necessary

2. Great revolt.

a) Israel had chosen idols to worship.

b) The nation had relied on Egypt and other alliances instead of the LORD.

c) The Revolt was deep indeed:

i) The kings

ii) The priests

iii) The masses

3. Consequences from departing from the LORD.

a) Loss of His protection.

b) Loss of His blessings.

c) Loss of knowledge and wisdom.

d) There was great suffering because of wicked and powerful enemies.

4. One day.

a) Israel would throw away all the idols their hands had made.

b) The nation would recognize:

i) Its foolishness.

ii) Its wickedness.

iii) Its sinfulness.

b) All the idols they had worshipped had been unable to do a single thing for all the devotion given to them!