Daily Devotions


Day 222

"The name of the LORD comes from afar"

Text: Isaiah 30:27


This particular prophecy warns of the coming judgment of the world at large. This description of the LORD does not detract from the reality of His divine attributes of mercy and longsuffering.

“Behold, the name of the LORD comes from afar,
Burning with His anger,
And His burden is heavy;
His lips are full of indignation,
And His tongue like a devouring fire.
His breath is like an overflowing stream,
Which reaches up to the neck,
To sift the nations with the sieve of futility;
And there shall be a bridle in the jaws of the people,
Causing them to err.”
Isaiah 30:27-28

1. “The name of the LORD”

a) It can simply refer to the Person of the LORD.

b) Conservative Jews today refer to the LORD as “The Name”.

2. “Comes from afar”

a) The closeness to the LORD had been lost.

b) Hence God is described as One who comes from afar.

3. A grim portrayal of the LORD’s Coming.

a) He is burning with anger.

b) His judgment of the world is a heavy burden.

c) Indignation is on His lips.

d) A devouring fire is on His tongue.

e) His breath is compared to an overflowing stream.

4. What the LORD would be doing.

a) He will sieve the nations with futility.

i) The wicked nations had wicked intentions.

ii) But their plans against Israel would be futile.

b) The enemy nations are compared to an animal.

i) God will bridle the animal in its jaws.

ii) He will control the beast.

iii) God will cause the enemies to err in their wicked plans.