Daily Devotions


Day 144

"Go, set a watchman"

Text: Isaiah 21:6


All major cities had walls to protect the city and its residents. A watchman would be appointed to observe the movements of potential enemies.

“For thus has the Lord said to me:
‘Go, set a watchman,
Let him declare what he sees.’
And he saw a chariot with a pair of horsemen,
A chariot of donkeys, and a chariot of camels,
And he listened earnestly with great care.”
Isaiah 21:6-7

1. “A watchman”

a) He was duly appointed.

b) He must do his part faithfully and report what he sees faithfully.

2. The report of the watchman.

a) Three different types of chariots were seen.

i) A regular chariot with horsemen.

ii) A chariot of donkeys.

iii) A chariot of camels.

b) Regular chariots with horses.

i) These would be used in battles.

ii) Chariots were always feared.

iii) They can turn the tide of the battle easily.

c) Chariots of donkeys.

i) They were not used in battles.

ii) They were used to carry baggage, weapons etc.

iii) The ancient Syrians used chariots of donkeys.

d) Chariots of camels.

i) These were used in war too.

ii) Ancient Arabians used them in their battles.

iii) They were quite effective too.

e) He also listened carefully to what was being discussed among the charioteers.

i) These chariots may represent different armies from various countries.

ii) They were allies in this particular war with the Babylonians.