Daily Devotions


Day 83

"They have fled from Me"

Text: Hosea 7:13


The pronouncement of “woe” is declared if there is an impending judgment from God. A good number of prophets pronounced “woe” on Israel and Judah (Isaiah, Amos etc.).

“Woe to them, for they have fled from Me!
Destruction to them,
Because they have transgressed against Me!
Though I redeemed them,
Yet they have spoken lies against Me.”
Hosea 7:13

1. “Woe to them, for they have fled from Me”

a) The first reason was stated.
b) Israel had fled from the LORD.
c) The word “fled” was used deliberately and accurately.
i) Israel did not just depart from God.
ii) They fled from Him!
iii) This was uncalled for!

2. “Destruction to them, because they have transgressed against Me”

a) The second reason was stated.
b) Israel had transgressed against the LORD.
c) They had broken all the Commandments God gave them.
d) They transgressed His commandments with no regard for God’s laws.
e) The only thing left to do was to pronounce “woe”.
f) The form of woe was “destruction”!

3. “Though I redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against Me”

a) Redemption
i) This word is related to the acts of deliverance God did for Israel.
ii) Israel had many enemies and they were defeated from time to time.
iii) God would, out of mercy and grace, redeem them from death.
b) Spoken lies
i) Through wrong teaching.
ii) Through false prophecy.
iii) Through erroneous words of advice given to people.
iv) Lies would result when truth has been neglected or forsaken.