Daily Devotions


Day 167

"Those who dwell under his shadow shall return"

Text: Hosea 14:7


Israel would be scattered by the Assyrians. But their captivity was the end of the nation.

“Those who dwell under his shadow shall return;
They shall be revived like grain,
And grow like a vine.
Their scent shall be like the wine of Lebanon.”
Hosea 14:7

1. “Those who dwell under his shadow shall return”

a) This was meant to bring hope to the nation.
b) Israel would one day be able to cast a fine shadow:
i) Offering shade.
ii) Offering protection.
c) Those who have done business with the newly-restored nation would want to return to it.

2. “They shall be revived like grain”

a) In war time, there was no grain in the country.
b) With God’s love and blessing, Israel would thrive once again.
c) The nation would revive.
d) When the grain fields flourish again, it would be a sign of better times.

3. “And grow like a vine”

a) The vine was another national symbol of Israel.
b) Everything that is alive would grow.
c) The future nation of Israel would grow.
i) And with God’s blessing, it would flourish.
ii) Israel would be fully restored to God’s favour.

4. “Their scent shall be like the wine of Lebanon”

a) Vineyards produce grapes:
i) Table grapes
ii) For vintage purposes
b) One feature of good wine:
i) Its fragrance.
ii) This was used as a symbol of how God would bless the nation that would turn to Him.