Daily Devotions


Day 81

A promise remains...

Text: Hebrews 4:1


The author of Hebrews shows great depth of thought as he wrote on the subject of “rest” (katapausin). From the physical “rest” (Canaan) he entered into the discussion of an eternal “rest”.

“Therefore, since a promise remains of entering His rest,
let us fear lest any of you seem to have come short of it.”
Hebrews 4:1

1. “Therefore let us fear (phobethomen oun)”

a) This is how the sentence commences in the Greek text.
b) The inferential particle “therefore” and the main verb “fear” are tied together.
c) This literal translation makes the message even stronger.
d) There must be no presumption on the subject of entering into God’s rest.
e) A necessary sense of “fear of the Lord” ought to be present in the heart of every genuine believer.

2. “Since a promise remains of entering into His rest”

a) The subject of “God’s rest” is still important and relevant today.
b) The story of Israel did not conclude with its recording in the Scriptures.
c) The promise of entering into “His rest” must be therefore given due consideration.
d) This promise remains (to be fulfilled).

3. “Lest any of you seem to have come short of it”

a) The Greek text suggests that there would be a judgment (doke) of all who profess faith in the Lord.
b) The danger of presumption was also part of the history of Israel (Cf. Numbers 14:39-45).
i) They presumed that mourning for a grave mistake made was all there was to it.
ii) They launched an attack that was doomed for failure.