Daily Devotions
"LORD, what is man, that you take knowledge of him? Or the son of man, that you are mindful of him?" Psalm 144:3
Text: Exodus 7 : 1-2
God sought to encourage Moses in many ways so that he might go about serving Him with great confidence and authority. A quick review will help us appreciate the number of things that God had especially done for Moses:-
1. Special Personal appearance (Burning Bush Exodus 3)
2. Special relationship of close and constant communion (Exodus 3-7 thus far)
3. Special power to perform miraculous signs (Exodus 4:3-9)
4. Special promises (Exodus 6)
Few are so privileged as Moses. These special provisions are deemed necessary because the task entrusted to him was indeed an awesome one.
As if the above were insufficient, the Lord went one step further! He made a truly awesome statement to Moses at this juncture.
“So the LORD said to Moses:
‘See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh,
and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet.”
1. “See, I have made you as God to Pharaoh”
How awesome are these words! How could a mere creature function in the capacity of God?
2. “Aaron your brother shall be your prophet”
Aaron, supposedly the more eloquent of the two, would only be a mere prophet in contrast!
Lest there should be any misunderstanding, the Lord gave this further word.
“You shall speak all that I command you.
And Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to send the children of Israel
out of his land.”
When Moses begin to wield the power of God in performing mighty signs and wonders, the perception of the Pharaoh would change. He would perceive Moses “as God”. But there must be no illusion. There is only ONE true God… and Moses would represent Him “as God” to Pharaoh.