Daily Devotions


Day 35

"I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied." Ecclesiastes 3:10

Text: Exodus 4 : 15-17


Moses must learn what it means to be called of God! He must also learn what it means to be His servant! It is one thing to raise questions and to express doubts. It is quite another to refuse to serve! God had given Moses more than adequate answers to all the questions raised! Why the reluctance to obey the Lord after all the questions had been answered? But even in God’s anger against Moses, He expressed kindness. Did Moses still feel that he was not up to the mark? God would give him an assistant.

Aaron was the elder brother! He was the more eloquent of the two. Would Moses be more comforted if he had his elder brother stand by his side and assist him? Then, God would give Aaron to be his assistant!


God knew Moses and his brother far better than they knew themselves. How would Aaron turn out in the final analysis? Moses wouldn’t know the answer to this question! For that matter, how would Moses himself turn out? He didn’t know the answer either, but he feared the worst! The God who knew all things was adamant that Moses play the role that was assigned to him.

“Now you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth.
And I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and I will teach
you what you shall do. So he shall be your spokesman to the
people. And he himself shall be as a mouth for you, and you shall
be to him as God. And you shall take this rod in your hand,
with which you shall do the signs.”
EXODUS 4:15-17

1. Moses’ Way

Moses did not feel very confident about his role! He felt that someone more eloquent would be able to serve better. If Moses felt so diffident, then Aaron would be his spokesman. But he would never be more than a mere spokesman! God would be the source of information and instruction. Moses would still be the servant who will bear the authority and power God would give to him. Moses’ way was at best cumbersome.

2. God’s Way

God’s way was far more direct! He would speak to Moses and through him. He would empower him so that he could perform mighty signs. If Aaron were to be involved, he would still have to go through Moses! God’s carefully thought out plan was for Moses to be the anointed emancipator not Aaron. Time would prove Him right!

3. Kindness throughout

In time to come, Moses would realize that God’s Presence and Power would be all that he needed. But for the moment, God would have to show him great kindness and understanding, until his faith had matured further!