Daily Devotions


Day 123

"A living dog is better than a dead lion"

Text: Ecclesiastes 9:4


As Solomon struggled with the one event that happens to all, he found a new sense of appreciation of just being “alive”!

“But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope,
for a living dog is better than a dead lion.”
Ecclesiastes 9:4

1. “But for him who is joined to all the living there is hope”

a) “The living”

i) This has been taken for granted.

ii) To many, living means acquisition of wealth and power.

iii) But what if one does not possess much wealth or power?

iv) Death must teach us that these things ultimately do not matter very much.

b) “Hope”

i) Hope almost has a life of its own.

ii) Hope stirs the heart and mind.

iii) Hope makes one look forward to life in the future.

iv) Hope can be such a powerful source of inspiration.

2. “For a living dog is better than a dead lion”

a) A comparison is made between the humble dog and the lordly lion.

b) The imagery of a lion

i) It is a symbol of strength and power.

ii) The lion is sometimes referred to as “the king of the animals”.

c) “A dead lion”

i) But what if the lion is dead?

ii) What would he symbolize?

d) “A living dog”

i) A dog cannot compare with the mighty lion in many ways.

ii) He is by far, the humbler of the two.

iii) A dog that is alive, though he may be but a humble creature, is far better than a dead lion.

3. Just being alive is significant

a) Even if one is not a lion.

b) Even if one is not famous, rich or powerful.

c) Being alive is to be appreciated afresh!