"So let no one judge you in food or in drink..."
Text: Colossians 2:16
The apostle Paul took great pains to explain the significance of the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. What were some of his reasons for doing this? Two reasons may be highlighted:-
1. To deal with the false notion that Christ’s death was insufficient.
2. To deal with the false teaching that extra things must be added in order to ensure full salvation.
The apostle Paul applied the significance of this vital doctrine immediately.
“So let no one judge you in food or in drink,
or regarding a festival or a new moon or Sabbaths.”
Colossians 2:16
1. “So”
a) This translates an inferential particle.
b) This particle is sometimes translated “therefore”.
2. The problems at hand
a) Some false teachers had insisted that certain traditions must be carefully observed,
b) That the practice of these things were efficacious.
i) Food and drink
ii) Keeping of festivals
iii) Observing of new moons
iv) Keeping of Sabbaths
3. Paul’s inference of the death of Christ on the cross
a) Christ’s death fully atoned for our sins.
b) Our sins were nailed to the cross with Christ.
c) Satan and his powerful forces were soundly defeated by Christ.
d) Therefore no one should feel that he should keep any religious observances for spiritual merit.
4. The keeping of religious customs/traditions
a) Their values were overly exaggerated.
b) They caused people to feel that they were missing out if they did not keep these practices.
c) Such notions are to be rejected outright.
d) The atonement of Christ is fully sufficient for all our spiritual needs!