Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 58

"My doctrine..."

Text: 2 Timothy 3:10


We begin a careful analysis of what the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy. The wise and aged apostle wrote these words from having personally lived out a life of tremendous faith in the Lord. He was challenging Timothy to continue to emulate his example. These words were written candidly and in humility


1. “But you have carefully followed”

a) Timothy had become a disciple of the Apostle Paul (Acts 16:1-3).
b) He became:
i) A fellow-labourer.
ii) A trusted servant of God.
iii) He became Paul’s beloved spiritual son.
c) Timothy had indeed carefully followed Paul
i) With great willingness.
ii) With deep affection.
iii) With much faithfulness.
iv) With genuine humility.

2. “My doctrine”

a) The word “doctrine” simply means “teaching”.
b) This phrase does not mean Paul’s doctrine was different from the other apostles.
c) It was Paul’s way of writing about his beliefs that had become so deeply personal.
d) His doctrines were not just intellectually comprehended.
e) His doctrine and his life were melded as one.

3. Features of Paul’s doctrine

a) That they were revelations from the Lord and thus inspired.
b) That they accord with a life of righteousness.
c) That they are to be defended.
d) That they are entirely Biblical.
e) That these doctrines were applicable to both Jew and Gentile alike.
f) That these doctrines were to be passed down from one generation to another.