Daily Devotions

2 Timothy

2 Timothy 
Day 43

"Avoid foolish and ignorant disputes..."

Text: 2 Timothy 2:23


There will always be people who will offer different views and opinions in the ministry. How should one respond to the many different and divergent views expressed? The apostle had these wise words to offer.

“But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes,
knowing that they generate strife.”
2 Timothy 2:23

1. Knowledge

a) This is key.
b) The servant of the Lord must cultivate the following:-
i) Ability to analyse
ii) Wisdom to discern
iii) Courage to act wisely


2. Discerning opinions offered

a) “Foolishness”
i) Foolish thoughts and wise thoughts are to be distinguished.
ii) The wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God must be carefully compared.
iii) Paul distinguished between the wisdom of the world and the wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1-2).
iv) The so-called wisdom of the world is to be rejected.
b) “Ignorant disputes”
i) There would be some who would like nothing better than to engage in disputes.
ii) The false teachers Paul encountered engaged in “ignorant disputes”.
iii) Paul strenuously wrote against these false teachers in the Galatian, Colossian and the Corinthian epistles.
iv) Timothy is advised to have the same discernment


3. “Avoid”

a) This was wise straight-forward advice.
b) Engagement over these things would be futile.


4. “Knowing that they generate strife”

This is a sad and solemn observation. Little or no good comes out of such engagements. The cause of truth is not advanced. Worse, strife is generated. In the light of this understanding, the advice to avoid foolish disputes is well taken!