Daily Devotions
1 Thessalonians
"But Satan hindered us."
Text: 1 Thessalonians 2:18
Not many have deep knowledge of the spiritual world. The apostle Paul certainly believed that in the spiritual world, Satan will seek to hinder the Lord’s work.
“Therefore we wanted to come to you- even I, Paul,
time and again- but Satan hindered us.”
1 Thessalonians 2:18
1. Human plans and desires
a) Many were the attempts to re-visit the Thessalonian church.
b) Paul and his team had developed an affection for the Thessalonian church.
c) They wanted to be there for many reasons:-
i) To teach them further.
ii) To encourage them in their suffering.
iii) To be a blessing to them.
2. Things do not always go according to plan
a) Paul’s plans were thwarted time and again.
b) Things did not always go according to plan.
3. “But Satan hindered us”
a) This would have to be understood by way of revelation from the Lord.
b) It takes a lot of spiritual maturity to have this depth of insight.
The apostle Paul’s teaching about the spiritual realm may be found in Ephesians 6:10-18. The following things may be highlighted:-
1. There are power spiritual beings.
2. These are evil.
3. They wage war against the saints of God.
4. They are the more deadly enemy.
5. Great strength is required to battle these powerful spirit-beings.
6. The believer must seek to be clad in the Lord’s armour.
7. He will have to be found seeking the Lord in prayer.
Paul’s many spiritual battles caused him to say that Satan sought to hinder his ministry. How important it is to cultivate this special sense of awareness of the spiritual world.