Daily Devotions

1 Peter

1 Peter 
Day 18

"The Spirit of Christ"

Text: 1 Peter 1:11


The prophets were wonderfully assisted by the Hope Spirit. Thus, they were enabled to learn much about this doctrine of salvation by grace.

“Searching what, or what manner of time,
the Spirit of Christ who was in them was indicating
when He testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ
and the glories that would follow.”
1 Peter 1:11

1. What were the prophets searching and seeking to understand?

a) They were interested in “time”.

i) When would the Saviour come?

ii) When would this salvation message be preached?

b) They were interested in other matters related to this salvation.

i) This was not clearly specified.

ii) But one can understand how the prophets would seek to fathom this wonderful doctrine of salvation by grace.

iii) There must be many facets of this glorious salvation God had planned.

2. The Spirit of Christ in them

a) This is a reference to the Holy Spirit.

i) He was in the prophets.

ii) Every true prophet of God is anointed by the Holy Spirit.

iii) He would teach them.

iv) He would reveal truths that cannot be obtained by mere human effort.

b) He was called “The Spirit of Christ” for good reason.

i) He would not speak of Himself.

ii) He would testify of Christ.

iii) He would be their Helper (Cf. John 14:26; 15:26; 16:7-15).

3. The revelation of the Spirit of Christ

a) He would bear an important testimony concerning the Christ (The Anointed One).

b) This was “prophetic”.

c) He taught the prophets two vital truths about the Christ.

i) He will have to bear much suffering.

ii) But He would receive glory from God after His suffering was over.