Daily Devotions

1 Corinthians

1 Corinthians 
Day 172

"Edification and exhortation and comfort..."

Text: 1 Corinthians 14:3


Paul continued to be candid and forthright as he wrote further about the application of the spiritual gifts. The gifts of “prophecy” and “tongues” were carefully contrasted.

“But he who prophesies speaks edification
and exhortation and comfort to men.
He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself,
but he who prophesies edifies the church.”
1 Corinthians 14:3-4

1. “He who prophesies”

a) He is a prophet.
b) Thus, he has a message from God.
c) If he is faithful and diligent he will seek to fulfil his calling as one who has been given a prophetic word.
d) He will seek and achieve three possible results:
i) He will be able to edify the brethren in the church.
ii) He will be able to bring a word of exhortation and uplift to some.
iii) He will be able to bring comfort to those who may need a special word of encouragement.
e) He would then fulfil God’s design for giving spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:7– “to profit all”).

2. “He who speaks in a tongue”

a) Provided that this was truly a gift from God (and not a mistaken one).
b) This gift was also given to profit all (1 Corinthians 12:7 applies).

3. “Edifies himself”

a) There is a problem here.
b) The person who speaks in a tongue has not been conscious of fulfilling the intended goal God had determined.
c) The individual has failed to fully appreciate why his gift was given.
i) All gifts were intended to profit the church.
ii) If he only edifies himself he has failed to understand how he should apply his gift.
iii) He may have run into the danger of being self-absorbed.
iv) He may think that this gift was just a special way of communing with God. (There is no Biblical support for this obviously mistaken belief.)

4. “But he who prophesies edifies the church”

a) This was an obvious conclusion.
b) The person who faithfully edifies the church using this gift is commended.