Daily Devotions

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)

My Song In The Night (Gospel of Luke)
Day 25

Text: Luke 2: 39-40


1. The birthplace of the Lord Jesus was Bethlehem

a. It was King David’s native place.
b. It was the birth place of Joseph as well.

2. The Family went to Jerusalem for a special ceremony

a. For Mary, it was for cleansing after Childbirth.
b. For Baby Jesus, it was a special Presentation as the firstborn male.

3. Nazareth

a. They returned to Nazareth where Joseph worked as a carpenter.
b. Nazareth was one of the cities of Galilee (Luke 2:39).

4. Growth of the Lord Jesus

a. From a Baby, He became a Child.
i. This was natural.
ii. There would be physical growth.
b. And as a Child He began to grow in vital areas of life:
i. Strength
He became strong in spirit.
ii. Wisdom
He was filled with wisdom.
iii. Grace
And the grace of God was upon Him (Luke 2:40).

5. An example for all children

a. To grow up well in many areas of life.
b. Not just to do well in academics.

经文:路加福音 2:39-40


1. 主耶稣在伯利恒诞生

a. 那是大卫王的故乡
b. 也是约瑟的故乡

2. 一家到耶路撒冷参与特别仪式

a. 对于马利亚,是生育后的洁净
b. 对于婴儿耶稣,是特别呈现头生男婴

3. 拿撒勒

a. 他们回到拿撒勒,约瑟在那里做木匠
b. 拿撒勒是加利利的其中一个城市《路加福音 2:39》

4. 主耶稣的成长

a. 从婴儿,祂成了一个孩子
i. 这是自然的
ii. 会有生理上的成长
b. 生为孩子的祂开始在重要的生活领域成长:
i. 力量
ii. 智慧
iii. 恩典
上帝的恩在祂身上《路加福音 2:40》

5. 孩子们的榜样

a. 在不同的生活领域好好成长
b. 不只是在学业兼优